Chapter 22- Lilly (Edited)

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I was seated in a corner, afraid. My legs were close to my chest, with my arms wrapped around them. My whole body was shaking in fear and nerves because I didn't know who these people were. I didn't know if they were working for my father or someone that wanted me dead.

"Hey, Kid, you are fine," a female said. She walked over to me, her dark brown eyes looking into my blue ones. Her fiery red hair framed her face, and she had to tuck a strand of it behind her ear. "Annie trusts us. If she didn't, she wouldn't have sent you here."

I looked at her and blinked, slowly. I trusted Anne Marie with my life, but I wasn't so sure about her. She was a Demon, after all.

The Demon Female smiled, probably knowing what I was thinking. She didn't try to kill me, and I was a bit surprised about that. "I'm Adriana," she said, holding out her hand. She didn't seem fazed when I didn't take it, letting it fall to her side. "The two males are Robin and Carter, and the three females are Mira, Hope, and Laurie."

I gave her a small smile but didn't say a word. I was wondering how she knew Anne, but I didn't have the courage to ask her. Heck, I didn't even have the courage to move from my spot.

Adriana studied my face and smiled, causing me to think that she would've made a good mother. "I knew Anne Marie back before she made the group," she said. She leaned back and glanced at the other people of the group, most of them standing and keeping watch over us. "We all did."

"How?" I all but squeaked out. I cleared my throat. "Anne hasb-"

"And we can't tell you, Lilly," one of the male Demons said. He scowled at the other female, but I could sense this fear and pain that he tried to hide. "Sorry, Kid."

Adriana scoffed but didn't say a word. "The point is, she cares about you," she said. "She wouldn't send you somewhere to hurt you. Which is why you are over here and not where Ranaldo is."

"H-h-have you..."

"I have seen how he acted first hand, yes," Adriana smiled at me, and I could see a bit of fear in her eyes. Pain filled them, and I couldn't help but wonder what made them hate him so much. "Don't worry, even if he finds us, he will not hurt you."

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was stopped by a loud banging noise. I watched in shock as all of the Demons surrounded me and shifted a bit into their Demon forms.

All of them grew tails and a couple of inches in height. Their nails and ears lengthened, and quite frankly, it was scary.

"It's just us," a male said, causing the Demons to relax and shift back into their human form. "Adriana, get the kit. Anne has been injured."

I stood up at the mention of my friend and my protector. Worry and fear filled my body because I didn't know who else was hurt nor did I know what had happened. I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear, watching as the Demons went into action. "Wh-"

I couldn't finish with what I was saying when something warm and soft touched my lips, causing me to melt. My heart pounded in my chest when I took in the woodsy scent of my crush and placed my arms around his neck.

Matthew pushed me against the wall and his body, keeping me close. He pulled away from me when both of us were breathing hard, and I was sure that he enjoyed it as much as I did. "That was..." he said, not able to complete a full sentence.

I blushed and hid my face into his chest. "Wow," I whispered, causing the male to chuckle.

"That's nice, can we ge- Ow, Adriana, what is that for?" someone asked.

"Shush, Mercer," Adriana said. She smiled when I peeked out from Matthew's side. "Don't destroy young love."

"It'll never last," the male that had spoken before said.

"Well, maybe if you apologize and stop acting like a dick, it would, Robin," a female with blue hair and blue eyes said. She caught me staring and gave me a smile, showing sharpened teeth. "Don't worry, Dear. Anne told us that you two have been crushing on each other for a long time. I'm Hope by the way."

Matthew moved us so that both of us could see the Demons. He glanced at the other two Angels in the room, both looking worse for wear. "Now, can we actually know what is going on?" he asked, his voice hard. "I mean, what the hell just happened?"

Adriana smiled, but this one was sad. Sadness poured off of her in waves, and I could tell that she cared for the silent female as well. "That is not for us to say. Anne will probably tell you, but she is just nervous as to what you all will do and think."

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