Chapter 4- Gabriel (Edited)

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I looked around silently as I followed her into the pub. It still had that old look to it, even though I haven't been here, in this area, for a long time. The reason why is because He didn't want me to see Anne, which I was upset about.

I know that it was wrong of me to fall in love with her, but she had that... thing about her. Anne was one of those angels who can be a friend when you need it, but if you get on her bad side, then you should watch out.

Anyways, back to the bar and the situation at hand. The bar was like any other bars I had been to. It was dim and musky, not letting in a lot of light. There was the smell of smoke everywhere and it didn't help that it seemed to become thicker the farther we went into the bar.

I shuddered a little, feeling the demons that were around this place. My whole body stiffened, and I couldn't help but let a little of my powers to take be shown to them. I heard a few unhuman hisses and had to smirk a little. However, Annie turned to look at me and scowled.

"Would you stop it," she hissed a little. "They come here and get drinks. That is it." She walked backwards and I knew that she was using the wind, a little so that she wouldn't run into people. "'Sides, they won't start anything, so stop it, now."

I narrowed my eyes a little, not liking her tone. However, I complied with her wishes and made my powers dim a little.

Anne smirked a little and turned around. Her hips swayed a little, without her trying and I could tell that some men were looking at her bottom. A small frown appeared on my lips, but I didn't say anything as I followed her. A small smirk appeared on my lips as I saw her body go a little rigid. There was a small breeze and I knew that she was getting annoyed with the people looking at her.

Her black hair floated a little on an invisible wind and it took all of my control not to take her in my arms, to show everyone that she was mine and no one else's. I guess that's why He wanted her to go. I was paying too much attention to her and not to my duties.

"Come on, Slow Poke," Anne called out to me as she disappeared into crowd of dancing bodies, pressing up against each other as songs played.

I scoffed a little at the new dance moves. People these days love to keep all of their body parts on each other and I don't understand that. I guess I wasn't a fan of twerking or grinding up against one another. Yes, I was old fashion, but I am older than most.

I moved quickly between the dancing bodies, a scowl on my face as some people grinded against me. Why the hell did Annie lead me through this? I thought as I got out of the dancing crowd to spy Annie in the corner, watching for me with a smirk on her face. There could've been another way.

"Took you long enough," she said over the music as she spotted me. She turned around, not letting me answer and led towards a corner where no one was at.

"A-" I started but stopped as I felt the magic around it. I quickly caught up with her just as she disappeared.

I skidded to a halt and looked at where I saw her disappear, my eyes widening a little. Where in God's Green Earth did she go? I asked myself just as a hand came out of the area and pulled me into the wall, making me yelp a little in surprise and shut my eyes.


"Why the hell is he here?" a voice growled making me flinch a little. What? I wasn't a fan of people cussing. I hadn't grown up with it, like some people have.

"Damion, control your anger," someone, a female, snapped. "He needs our help." The wind picked up a little, and I knew that it was Anne who was getting angry.

I opened my eyes to see three people in front of Annie. A frown appeared on my face because I knew who they were, and I didn't like them at all, especially the male with the black hair and almost black eyes.

"And why should we help him?" he asked shooting me a glare. "All he ever did was make all of our lives miserable."

Annie snorted and shook her head a little and narrowed her eyes. "Damion, it's the Sword of Amara. Remember, if the sword is in the wrong hands, everything will be lost. That means no more us and no more them. We all will be plunged into darkness. Do you want that to happen?"

Power surged through her as she looked at the other male. Damion was a few feet taller than her, but everyone knew that she could kick his butt if need be. I mentally applauded her as I saw a small bit of defeat flash between his eyes. Way to go, Annie.

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