Hand of Death

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Hand of Death
Mar 16, 2015

I was reading quietly in the wee hours of the morning when I saw a flash vision. It was of a Medical Examiner, I believe in the far Northeast of America, examining the first of a trio of bodies. I believe the bodies were of a woman in her thirties, a young girl of about twelve, and another girl, maybe eleven.

The bodies were covered with small clusters of blisters. They had died of some terrible disease, that I felt in my spirit was caused by some type of terrorist attack of a biological nature. I feel the attack happened without anyone seeing it, and by the time the disease begins killing people, it will already have spread horribly. Thousands will die. There is no cure for this horrible disease, whatever it is. I though of smallpox, but I have no confirmation from the Holy Spirit if that was it or this disease was something new that had been created to kill.

As I write this, I hear in my spirit the words "Hand of Death." I don't know if that is a nickname for it, or what.

Please pray, Saints. We know the darkness and horrors and glory will all be here at the same time. The horrors will turn many towards Jesus. Our Lord is gracious and merciful. He saved us, and He wants to save the others, too.

Matthew 24:7: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

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