Crash in the Heartland

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Crash in the Heartland
May 8, 2015

I was relaxing listening to something on television about an airplane or airliner as I was about to go to sleep on Wednesday night, May 6th, 2015, when I began to feel a forewarning rising up in my spirit. I have not seen any vision with this, but it did make me think of one I had years ago, I think it was 2009 or 2010, that I had talked to Vonda Brewer about, where I was in my truck traveling on Hwy. 183 near DFW Airport and I saw something horrible take place. A Southwest Airlines plane fall from the sky. I saw it had been "cut" in five places, and what was so horrible is that I could see the people falling to their deaths from the plane. Everyone on the freeway was pulling over and stopping, and screaming when they also saw it. Vonda felt the vision was a sign of "cuts" coming in the Southwest, or at Southwest. I never found out what that vision meant.

Yesterday evening, I got this foreboding:

"Crash in the Heartland," and it is somehow related to Kansas. I don't know if that means it happens in Kansas, but I think it may mean that. I kept hearing American Airlines. I think it may be one of their planes. I heard "mechanical malfunction."

What was worst about this is this particular crash seems to be carrying a larger than average number of children, like they were going to a special event some place, and this results in great mourning.

I also saw a glimpse of a "youngish" man - I would say in his 30's, with dark hair. I felt he was trying to help, or save the children in some way.

This crash, if it happens, results in a very great death toll, and a very large number of them are children.

Please pray, Saints.

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