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L u k e

"Nice stunt you guys pulled put there!" Jason yelled as we came off of the stage.

I walked behind Michael, and grabbed his hand. "Did you hear all of the horrible things they were saying to him? I wanted it to stop and it wouldn't have stopped if we didn't show them that we really do care for-"

"I'm not talking to you, Michael. None of it would've happened if it weren't for him! You stood out there and let them manipulate you. Luke you've walked off of the stage too much, crying like a baby. You're weak. You can't show them that. They look up to you! And don't think we didn't hear you tell Michael to kiss you. You're wearing a microphone! I don't know if you guys did this to be more famous, or get publicity, but it's stupid. We will put you out there. You don't need to pull stupid stunts like that." Jason yelled as he walked us back to the dressing room.

"It wasn't fake." I said softly, and he looked back at us.

"I don't care about that right now. Let's talk about how you keep standing in the middle of the stage, crying every chance you get. Do you really crave that much attention? Luke you are one of the most famous guys currently. Do you still need everyone to baby you, and tell you it's okay? My five year old daughter could act more mature than you!" He said, and I squeezed Michael's hand tighter.

"But they were all standing there booing me and telling me to get off of the stage. They attacked me before the show. It's scary." I said, and he sighed.

"Luke, I know what you're doing." He said, and I tilted my head.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, and he rolled his eyes.

"You're making everyone feel so sorry for you. Luke, you've got it good. You're so selfish. You have everything you could ever dream of, and you stand on the stage and cry, craving more attention than you already have." He said, and I laid my head on Michael's shoulder.

"Hey, Jason. Calm down a little, alright?" Michael asked quietly.

"No! He's doing it right now! He's making you feel sorry for him so he can get whatever he wants. He's just a big baby." Jason groaned, and Michael held my waist tighter.

"You've been with him for three months. You don't know anything about him. He has feelings. He's wanted to sing his whole life, but when people tell him how horrible he is at what he loves the most, it hurts. Plus what we've put him through doesn't help." Michael said, and I held onto his shirt.

"You two go back to the bus." He said, and Michael held my hand, and walked me to the bus.

I wiped my eyes because I just don't want to cry anymore.

Being famous isn't worth it if I'm going to have everyone hate me, and it's bringing so much stress on me. I don't have many reasons to keep doing this.

Once we got back to the bus, I went straight to the shower. I shut the door and pulled off all of my clothes, stepping into the warm water. I had already washed my hair when I heard the door open. I saw Michael sneak into the shower with me, and hug my waist from behind.

I turned around quickly, and hugged him as tight as possible.

"Are you alright, baby?" He asked, and I laid my head on his shoulder. I nodded softly, wanting to talk when we got out of here.

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