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| l u k e |

I've made news headlines, and now my life has officially been ruined.

I have to wear a bullet proof vest under my clothes on stage, and we have very strict security at shows now. I've gotten so many death threats that I can't even count.

I've been ruined.


| m i c h a e l |

I can't even live with myself knowing how much pain I've caused Luke. Sure most of it was out of my control, but right before I broke up with him, I made him feel like the only boy in the world. I made him feel so special. I know that's what hurt him the most. I made him his happiest, but then, I shattered him.

I haven't got to see him for two days, and the first time I got to see him, he was being rushed into the emergency room.

Every time I see #staystrongcourtney, it sickens me. How could our tour managers be so evil as to bring her back?

I don't want to live in a world that is filled with evil and corrupt people. Our contract is still on for two more years, and if we try to get out of it, we're gonna have to pay so much money. We can't afford to get out.

I hate being on this tour. It was our dream to just play music for people who supported us, but management has turned Luke's dream into a living nightmare. Everyday he wakes up, and is scared for his life.

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