Chapter 2 - Rubbing Elbows

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"Two paths fated to cross, two journeys, one story." - Leo Christopher

Sitting in the noisy, yet somehow isolating, ER Violet avoided her sister's white hit stare coming from where she sat, cuffed, to the hospital bed.

"Suspicion of driving under the influence." She growled, shaking her cuffed wrist in Violet's direction. "You know, I stopped trying to change you. I've respected your decisions and I'm happy to have my sister back. So, you wanna work in that nasty place, fine, you want to run around dating that leg breaker who works for a fucking dirty cop, great, but when you start dragging me into your shit, that's where this ends."

"I'm sorry," she whined, taking her role as little sister and perfecting it. "You were going to get us in a lot more trouble that this suspicion shit." Finally making eye contact, Violet pleaded with her sister through her smoldering brown eyes.

"Doubt it."

"That guy we saw," Vi lowered her voice a bit as strangers swished by the flimsy curtain. "It's better if he's just left alone, you know, if justice isn't served."

"How?" Hazel asked in disgust. "He's probably the one who shot that woman. He wore that mask for a reason."

"Because he's part of some motorcycle club," Vi explained. "They're outlaw, apparently. I don't know a lot just what I've heard around."

"Great," Hazel sighed. "I rea-"

"I'm not sure picking you up from the hospital is better than bailing you out of jail." Nero swaggered into the room, a look of disapproval on his face, with a deputy scurrying in behind him.

"Nero," Vi started anxiously. "I'm sorry, that guy from Diosa was hassling me, one thing lead to another, it's a mess."

"Fiasco called me," he smiled as the deputy unlocked Hazel's handcuff. "It's handled."

Hazel watched in shock and as much as she wanted to be disgusted by the clear manipulation of the law but she was far too thankful.

"Do I owe you any money?" She asked, rubbing her wrist and throwing her legs over the side of the bed.

"No, mama, you're just fine." He smiled sweetly, almost fatherly except for the fact he ran a brothel. "You need a ride?"

"No," she laughed. "My boyfriend is coming."

On cue, Violet's boyfriend strolled into the room with concern painted on his face. "Letty," he cupped her face and kissed her with shocking amount of tenderness from a man who professionally stalked and beat men who crossed his boss.

"You have two guys come for you before Nathan is probably even out of bed." Hazel scoffed.

"I can give you a ride, Hazel." Trevor offered with a smile.

"Vi, you really know how to pick em'."

"Trevor," Nero pointed to the hall. "Take Violet for a walk."

Cocking his eyebrow, unappreciative of Nero's tone but knowing Barosky would do more than dock his pay for rocking the leave they had, Trevor took Violet's hand and lead her passed the curtain.

"You alright?" Nero asked softly. Hazel nodded. "My boy said he saw the shooter."

"I did."

"Can I trust you won't do something stupid with that information?"

"Who are they?"

"Guys I don't want sniffing around my shit. We all have a balance and things like this, hurt everybody."

Hazel looked away and nodded. "Alright."

"Your sister is a good girl, you should quit giving her so much shit."

Rolling her eyes she nodded. "Yep. Let me know if you need a touch up." Gesturing to his freshly healed tattoo, Hazel smiled and shrugged. "I may not like what you do or that my sister works there but I'm not gonna turn down money."

"Me neither, which is why I'm in this business."

Pursing her lips she nodded and leaned her head on the back of the bed. "Thanks for the help."

"I'll wait," he gestured to the emptiness around her.

"No," she shook her head. "Trev and Violet will be back, go. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea."

"Cute," Nero snapped and pointed at her. "Real cute."

Pushing the curtain back, Nero disappeared into the hall passing Tig, who was not wearing his cut, without batting an eyelash. They didn't know each other and without any glaring identifiers it wouldn't be immediately obvious who the other was. Nero turned the corner and passing him, on their way back, were Trevor and Violet.

"Trev," Violet stopped. "That's him, that's the guy."

Trevor smiled, assuming from just one quick glance, that Tig wasn't the brute he truly was and kissed Violet's temple before handing her his keys.

"Grab Hazel and wait for me in the parking lot."

"Trevor," she tugged his hand. "Don't do this."

"Go, Letty," he said sternly. She nodded and did as she was told while Trevor confronted Tig. "You looking for a girl? Tall, skinny, black hair?"

Tig glared at Trevor and moved to push passed him but Trevor was planted in his spot. "You really want to do this kid?" Tig asked as he looked the young, yet still dangerous, man up and down.

"I want you to keep away from my girl and her sister," he said firmly. "They didn't see shit and even if they did, they aren't rats."

Watching Violet and Hazel scurrying away, Tig's upper lip twitched, as his blood pressure began to rise. "Then why are they running?"

"Cause that gun," Trevor nodded toward the handgun poking out of Tig's pants, "And your knife, don't exactly say you just want to talk to them."

"And who are you?"

Trevor smiled, "I work for Charlie Barosky, that's really all you need to know." With a wink, Trevor turned and knowing Tig was helpless with so many witnesses, followed the same path the girls had taken before him.

"Oh," Tig smiled menacingly. "I'm going to enjoy killing that fucking asshole."


Some of you may recognize Trevor from Bad Moon Rising! This is the same man but much younger, so we'll see a wee bit about about how he got to where he is now. Just one way that most of my stories are interconnected!

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