Chapter 35 - No Going Back

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"Now that I have found someone I'm feeling more alone than I ever have before." - Brick by Ben Folds

*A few days later*

Tara listened respectfully as Hazel blabbered on explaining the situation and how she got pregnant. She still had the home test in her hands as she anxiously went on and on.

"I understand," Tara assured her. "I do. There's a few clinics I can recommend in the area."

"Out of Charming and SanWa," Hazel said quickly "I can't have anyone see me, Tara."

"Alright, I'll have to ask around for somewhere farther out."

"Thank you," she sniffled. "I want this nightmare to be over."

"I'm sure you do," Tara took Hazel's free hand. "How's it going? You drinking or anything?"

Hazel looked away and shrugged. "Little weed here and there but I don't need a speech, please."

"I'm not here to lecture," she assured her. "I have to go but look, this stays between us okay? And if you need anything I'm here."


"I'm not interested in a meeting with Pope," Chibs barked.

"It's not just a meeting," Cameron smiled. "It's an execution."

"How do we step out of a meeting leaving a dead Pope without the Niners coming after us?" Chibs was skeptical but he ached to go for it anyway.

"Filip," Cameron chuckled, "You need to find the weak link. Marks, Pope's right hand, is looking for a step up."

Chibs glared at Cameron. "And how did you manage all this?"

"Black wants our guns and we want Pope dead; we easily reached an agreement."

Willing to take that risk, Chibs nodded and shook Cameron's hand. They discussed when and where and left it with a loose idea of how it would all go down.


*About two awkward and emotional weeks later.*

Strutting up the pathway to Chibs' front door Violet felt her stomach lurch when she saw more than just the Scot's bike in the drive. It could have been any of them but as she came closer she knew for a for it was Tig's. After their fight they spent the night together but he was gone come morning and she hadn't heard from him since.

"Perfect," she whispered knocking on the door. "Even though I regret this shit."

"Hey." Tig was actually the one who opened the door, surprisingly, and Violet just stared at him for a long moment.

"Oh, uhh." Butterflies filled her stomach as she looked over his unkempt hair and his crystalline eyes. "I'm just here to grab something for Hazel. She's at work so I told her I would uhh come by for it."

Nodding for her to enter Tig watched her hips away from side to side as she moved through the entryway and toward the living room.

"What she need?"

"Where's Chibs?"

"Busy," Tig shrugged.

"Why are you here?"

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