Chapter 39 - Keeping the Faith

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"Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along." - Rae Smith

For once, Tig was the most level-headed person in the room. The paramedics whisked Hazel away but they had to wait to see her. He pressed Violet to sit as the detective, who claimed it was all standard procedure, questioned Chibs.

"You found her? In the tub?"

"Aye," he sighed. "She's been uhh, going through some shite."

"I imagine," he said softly. "Do you have any idea what could have pushed her to this?"

"No," he spat. "She was depressed, wouldn't talk about it, if you have any other questions you can call my lawyer. We're leaving." Snapping in their direction, Chibs called Tig and Violet's attention, and they headed for the door.

"Go," Tig sneered at the detective. "Ladies first."

In Hazel's car, Tig drove Violet and Chibs raced ahead toward Saint Thomas. She wasn't on shift but when they finally arrived Tara was just stepping out of her office.

"I got your text," she said to Tig. "I'm going to find out what I can now."

"Thanks," he sighed.

"Your text was vague, do you know what happened?"

They walked down the hall together slowly as Violet and Chibs waited in the lobby, chain-smoking obsessively.

"She uhh, slit her wrists." Tig said quietly.

"Jesus," Tara hissed. "Well, I can tell you right now if she makes it they'll keep her on a mandatory 72 hour psych hold and after she's evaluated they'll either release her or she'll be committed."

"Committed?" Tig was shocked to hear it.

"It probably won't happen," she shook her head. "It's incredibly hard to have someone involuntarily committed. Most likely they'll release her into a doctor's care, appointments and meds, and send her home with Violet."

"Chibs is gonna love that," Tig rolled his eyes. "Anything you can give us on her would be great."

Tara nodded. "Let me go see what's happening, I'll be out as soon as I can." Disappearing behind the signing double doors Tara left Tig to try and contort the situation. He turned on his heel and headed back to Chibs and Violet and noticed that Trevor had appeared in his absence.

"This motherfucker," Tig hissed. Heading over he glared at Trevor. "How did you know we were even here?"

"I got friends," he snapped.

"If you're gonna start shit just leave, Tig." Violet blubbered. "I don't need this right now."

Knowing she was right he bristled, his cold stare still locked on Trevor, but kept his mouth shut. The wait felt exponentially longer with Trevor there but Tig could see how he helped Violet although it was also clear they'd been less estranged than Tig assumed.

"Hey," Tara poked her head into the waiting room. "Let's talk in my office."

Chibs, Trevor and Violet all got up to follow but Tig quickly pushed Trevor back down into his seat. "No," he growled. "Let them go, they don't need you."

"Hazel is family." Trevor stood up and tried to push passed Tig. "Get out of my way."

"She ain't your family, not anymore," he sneered. "So leave, the girls got all the love and support they need."

With an animalistic grunt Trevor swung, attacking Tig who happily accepted the blow. They crashed to the floor and grappled for a minute or two before security ripped them apart.

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