Chapter 8 - Seeing The Other Side

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"We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren't acceptable in the light. Night is where we slake our thirst." - William Hill

"Hazel," Chibs followed after her. "Let's get out of Oakland. You can have your tantrum in Charming."

"You have no idea." She growled as he grabbed her arm, right above the elbow, and spun her around to face him. "I thought Trevor was bad enough but I'd bet my right hand she'll fuck that nasty scumbag sometime this week, maybe even tonight."

Far from concerned, Chibs' eyes rolled up in his head.
"You don't like her boyfriend anyway."

"Yeah but her boyfriend doesn't shoot people who don't deserve it." She scoffed. "He makes sure whoever is getting that bullet deserves it."

"You don't know shite about Tig or my club," he barked.

Hazel glared at him, wrinkles in the corner of her squinted eyes, in shock that suddenly he'd defend the man. "Okay, fine. I don't know shite, whatever."

"Let me take you home," he grabbed her wrist. "I'm not leaving you here."

"I don't want to go home." She admitted bashfully, not pulling away from him but certainly not following his lead. "I cheated on my stupid boyfriend, remember? Last thing I want to do is get into bed with him."

Smiling inwardly, Chibs, using a bit more strength,  managed her bring her closer with a sharp tug. "Then why don't you stay with me?" He asked, nipping at her plump bottom lip.

"Horny old dog," Hazel batted at him playfully. "I was panicking about getting old, I'll be thirty soon, but this is what real old age looks like." Joking, she yanked at the two locks of hair that hung down into his eyes.

"Oh dear, you're going to pay for that."

Hazel smiled, taking his lead back to his bike, feeling a swarm of butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach. "Vi is going to be okay with him?"

"She will," he assured Hazel. Chibs offered her his hand to keep steady as she threw one leg over his bike. "Tiggy fucked up, but he thought he had reason. He wouldn't intentionally hurt your sister."

"He had good reason yet you still went after him." Hazel whispered into his ear.

"It's complicated," Chibs said as he turned the throttle and made way back to Charming.


"Back to San Francisco?" Tig asked as they idled at a red light.

Violet held him tighter. "No, he's pissed. Somewhere else."

Craning his neck to look at her, Tig chuckled. "I got an idea."

Weaving through town and on their way out of SanWa Violet rested her head on Tig's back, slightly scared, and never once questioned her decision.

They ended up under the highway and that was when Violet started to think she may have trusted this guy way too soon.

"What the fuck is this?" She asked as he parked.

Tig looked up above them and pointed at the massive cement structure. Years ago it was meant to be an on ramp to the interstate but they simply stopped, mid construction, due to funding.

"I call it the drop off, but it's not really called anything. Here," he offered her his hand. "Hope you can climb."

Pulling her toward the lowest section of the road, about five feet off the ground, Tig hoisted her up. Violet grabbed the weighted construction sign, forbidding access to the unfinished ramp, and pulled herself over the edge. She turned, preparing to help him, but Tig was already dangling from the lip of the on ramp, pulling himself up and over, unintentionally impressing Violet.

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