Chapter 30 - Wake Up Call

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"Every step that you take could be your biggest mistake. It could bend or it could break; that's the risk that you take." - Coldplay

It took a while for Hazel to completely wake up from her sedation. A few hours of fluttering eyelids and twitching fingers finally made way for total consciousness. Violet wasn't there, her sunglasses and purse sat on the visitors chair letting Hazel know she was somewhere close, but there was no sign of Chibs. Tapping the call button, Hazel was thrilled to see a nurse hurry into her room

"Good to see you're up," she smiled cheerfully. "Your sister is on a call, she's been here the whole time."

"How long have a been here?" Hazel stuttered with a deep hoarse voice. "I don't even remember what happened."

"Oh," she sighed. "It's been three days. When you were brought in you were in the middle of an overdose. We took you through a sedated detox."

"That's what I'm feeling," Hazel groaned. "Holy shit."

"You didn't know you were on drugs?" The nurse was clearly perplexed. "At all?"

Hazel closed her eyes. "No, I just," she struggled with an excuse. "My head is really screwed up. So just my sister? I've had no other visitors? No, biker guys, or anything?"

The nurse shook her head as she recorded Hazel's vital signs and checked her IVs. "I saw a few around when we first brought you here from the ER but your sister asked security to escort them out."

"She did?" Hazel's head throbbed and the confusion over Violet's decision only made it worse. "I'll just talk to her about it."

"I'm sure it's for the best," the nurse handed her a styrofoam cup of water. "They wanted to have you transferred to Saint Thomas but she refused. She has your best interest at heart."

"Yep," Hazel ignored her from then on, too pained to care about a random woman's opinion. "Can I get anything for the pain, my head is pounding and my body hurts."

"The doctor will talk you through the withdrawal."

In a shocked whisper, Hazel repeated the word, "Withdrawal," and swallowed hard. "I'm my mom."

"Hazel!" Violet burst into the room and hugged Hazel gently. "Jesus I have never been happier to see you."

"Where's Chibs?"

Turning her nose up, Violet tensed and sat beside the bed. "I asked him to leave. He was trying to control everything, like he knew what was best, like he knew you the way I do."

"He does know me, Vi." Hazel muttered. "I want him here."

"Trevor is the one who got you home," Violet reminded her.

Hazel's face scrunched as she tried to remember but nothing came back. "No. I didn't."

"Yeah, cause Chibs didn't want to give Anna to Pope." Violet was indignant even though she had no true hate for Chibs. All she was doing was trying to protect Hazel she just had no idea how as it was never her responsibility before.

"But Trevor did?" Hazel asked, her eyes screwed shut in pain.

"It was a big mess, Tig and the guys were working on it but Trevor just kind of swooped in."

"I want Chibs," Hazel said adamantly. "Please Vi."

"I don't think they're good for us," she said timidly. "Tig, Chibs, the whole club. Maybe you were right?"

"I was," Hazel said sadly. "And you're right but I don't care about that now. I feel like shit, I'm feening and didn't even realize it, and I just want him here."

"I'm sorry he did that to you," Violet whispered. "The drugs, what you're going through for now, I'm sorry."

"I don't want to talk about it. I just want Chibs. Please."

Violet shuffled in her spot, anxious and unsure, but when Hazel didn't relent she nodded and text Tig. She felt like a failure, it felt as if she was giving up, giving in, too quickly.

"So you do think they're bad for us?" Violet asked, her teeth anxiously chewing at her cuticle. "Tig and Chibs, I mean."

"What do you think?" Hazel groaned feeling sicker and sicker. "They're in a biker gang, Vi. They're dangerous men, criminals, convicts, they're dangerous."

"But you want him here?" Violet hadn't seemed so innocent, truly wearing her little sister badge, in years.

"Yes, I want him here and I'm too sick and too traumatized to discuss it any further."

It wasn't until Chibs charged into the room, instantly going for Hazel and pressing his forehead against hers as he held her face between his hands, that Violet began to understand.

"Love," he whispered harshly. "I'm so sorry, Hazel. Christ, I tried."

Hazel cried the moment he touched her, her fingers gripping at his long hair bunched up against his collar, and felt some sort of relief from the pain and cravings.

"I know," she sniffled. "I want to get out of here. Can I come home with you?"

"We'll get you to Charming," he promised. "Tara can treat you at Saint Thomas."

It wasn't what she wanted but Hazel was too exhausted from fighting with Violet. "You don't leave me again," Hazel ordered. "I don't care what she says, I want you here. Always. Please."

"I'm not going anywhere," he kissed her temple. "I'll go talk to the nurses, we'll have you out of here by morning."

Chibs glared at Violet on his way out but she was too busy looking for Tig to even notice. "Chibs, he didn't come?"

"No," he said darkly. "He didn't. When you had security force us out I think Tiggy lost his interest."

"I'm sorry," Violet pouted. "I just, I wanted to do what was best for her."

"Aye," Chibs' shoulders relaxed. "I know."

"But you're pissed?"

"Aye," he stopped and turned to face her. "You try to pull that shite again and I won't go quietly. Hear me?"

Violet nodded and watched as he moved down the hall quickly. Maybe it was for the best, she hoped it was at least, but the pit in her stomach made her doubtful.


"Shouldn't be too hard," Juice shrugged. "Plaster his face on the security camera but I can't put prints on a gun."

"It needs to be solid," Jax said in frustration. "If we kill Pope it's gotta be a straight line back to Trevor not us."

"It's a risk," Bobby said warningly. "This Trevor asshole is easily handled it's Pope that's the problem."

"No shit," Clay growled. "LaRoy is loyal, right?"

"I heard some whispers," Jax mentioned

Happy nodded. "Rumors in Oaktown say he ain't all that right with Pope."

"Pope know this?" Jax asked eagerly.

Opie toyed with his rings as he opened to mouth to join the conversation. "If he was I don't think LaRoy would be breathing."

"Good point," Jax chuckled. "I say we meet up with him, feel him out, talk about this shit."

"Set it up," Clay ordered Juice. "And keep it quiet, low profile and as soon as possible."

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