Chapter 14 - Seeing More Clearly

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"So I'll set this whole town on fire, take you with me to watch it burn. Is this what you wanted? Look at what you started." - NFG

The timing couldn't have been worse. Violet was hissing and moaning as she slowly awoke while Jax, to keep Chibs from being booted, had just stared a monumental brawl in the hallway with Trevor. Her eyes opened only for her to screw them shut again immediately. "It's too bright."

"Vi," Hazel sighed with relief as she switched the light off. "You're such a drama queen you scared the shit out of me." Sitting beside her little sister she rested her head on Violet's shoulder. "I love you so much, Vi. I'm so happy you're okay. I don't know what I would do without you."

Violet smiled hazily and tilted her head to rest against Hazel's. "Can't get rid of the annoying little sister. What the hell happened?"

As Hazel began to answer the war of words turned physical and there was a loud thud against the door. Both girls gasped, startled, and stared at the door as if some giant threat would burst through. "Good question," Hazel glided across to the door and peeked out to see security hauling Trevor and Jax down the hall. "Jesus," she glared at a proud Chibs as he and Jax made eye contact and winked.

"What?" Violet winced and whinnied as she adjusted herself in bed. "What's going on?"

"My stupid boyfriend just got his friend to get your stupid boyfriend kicked out."

Violet smiled a little. "Wait, Nate is here?"

"Chibs," Hazel smirked. "Don't you even care about Trevor?"

"I can't deal with that intensity right now," she closed her eyes again as she laid back. "What the fuck happened, Hazel?"

Chibs and Hazel made eye contact through the glass before she turned to sit with Violet again. "You were somewhere you shouldn't have been and you got fucking shot."

"Holy shit," she gasped. "I was with Tig, at the clubhouse, oh god, Trevor is going to kill me."

Hazel smiled and shook her head. "Tig lied. He fucking ran you outta there and brought you here himself. Trev thinks you were carjacked."

"Tig did that?" She asked, astounded by the effort and proof that he did care no matter how he tried to hide it.

"He knew," Hazel shrugged. "Where you been? You can't avoid me, Vi."

"Can we not right now?" She buzzed for the nurse. "It hurts so bad."

Swallowing her speech, Hazel nodded and took Violet's hand. "You should know Nate and I broke up though, I'm seeing Chibs, the one with the scars. I don't know what that deal is though. Nero was here too, checking up on you."

"You're a whore," Violet chuckled, grimacing at the intense pain. "You should go, Hazel. Don't stay here, I know you hate it."

"It's fine, I don't want you to be alone."

The nurse entered and administered the pain meds Violet's doctor had ordered then checked her bandages and vitals. "If you need anything, you can buzz me. You can't eat until morning, at least, but I can get you some water or juice?"

"Juice please," Violet was already growing sleepy. When the nurse left, Chibs slipped in and smiled at Violet. "Take my sister away, now."

"No," Hazel stomped.

"Good to see ya up, kid," Chibs ignored the sibling spat. "You're going to have some more company pretty soon."

"No," Violet whined. "I just want to sleep please. I just got shot for you assholes, let me sleep."

Bursting in the room, Tig smiled to see she was awake, his guilt lessening, and gave Chibs a hard slap to the back. "Don't worry, the party is here now."

"I don't want a party," Violet smiled as she looked at him. "Guys, can I talk to him for a second?" Hazel drew her head back in surprise but followed Chibs out into the hall, as soon as the door shut, Violet started. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, I'm just trying to get laid," he shrugged, calling back on a previous conversation they had about his intentions. "How ya feeling?"

"Like I have a hole in my belly." She pouted. "What did you say happened to me?"

"You tried to be a tough girl and fought back against some asshole, guy shot you. I found you at the corner and brought you in."

"I'm high as a fucking kite and I can still poke holes in that story."

"What?" He feigned offense. "You were coming to pick up Hazel, not me, I just happened to catch it."

Violet smiled. "Maybe you're smarter than I thought."

"Maybe, I'm not." He sat in Hazel's spot. "You should sleep, I'll be here."

"You don't have to." She wanted him to though, badly.

Tig took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. "Shut up and go to sleep."


"Where we heading love?" They idled at a red light and Hazel rested her head against Chibs' back.

"I'm so tired," she squeezed him tighter. "I just need to sleep."

"Aye," he made a right as the light flicked green and brought her to his house. "I have some shite to handle with the club." He pushed her against the doorframe and pressed his body against her.

"Oh," she was clearly disappointed. "So I should rest up for when you get home huh?"

Chibs kissed her, snaking his hand behind her and opening the front door. "Aye, I've got some frustrations to work out."

"You can work em' out all over me," she winked. Laughing she entered the house. "Do I have to tell you to be careful?"

"Not this second but it's nice to hear."

"Be careful," she pecked his lips.

Chibs shot her a wink and jumped right back on his bike to head out to the clubhouse. Even stronger than his desire to spend countless active hours in bed with Hazel was his desire to actually sleep in bed with her. The night had turned to day and he was beyond exhausted.

"What'd I miss?" He asked as he joined the rest of the club, save for Tig, in chapel.

"Nothing," Clay grumbled sarcastically. "Turns out that info Nero gave you, not exactly the real story."

Chibs eyebrows arched as he sat, interested in the whole story. "That doesn't surprise me. What's he lyin' about."

"One of the shooters is a Byz Lat," Jax explained, his black eye a badge of honor after the fight with Trevor. "That's Nero's weak ass crew.  A few people saw him, we got no doubt."

"So he was trying to shift blame and cover his brown ass," Bobby grumbled. "We're moving tomorrow night, hittin' back."

"Where?" Chibs didn't mean to sound so disapproving but he did. "Not Diosa, too many girls there who didn't do shit."

"And hitting us here was any better?" Clay barked roughly.

"No," Chibs said quickly.

"But we don't do that;  women, kids, anyone innocent, that's not how we work." Jax was firm in his stance and no one had issue despite their anger, they just needed someone to say it all.

"Then you find a spot," Clay barked. "This bullshit crew doesn't even have a main spot, no clubhouse no bar. You track em' down if that'll ease your guilt."

Chibs wasn't enjoying the tirade but he took it, knowing Clay was aching for retaliation he just wasn't thinking it through at all.

"I can do that," he assured his President.

"We all need some sleep," Jax groaned as he stubbed out his cigarette. "Chibs, get us a spot and we'll meet back here tonight, say ten?"

"Ten it is," Clay grumbled and brought the gavel down hard.

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