Chapter 31 - Accepting It

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*Long day means shortie chapter! Enjoy xo*

"I can't remember what it was like before you and I don't even know how we got here but maybe that's exactly what I needed." - R. M. Drake

"Do you remember much?" Tara asked Hazel the next morning when she was settled in her room at Saint Thomas.

Hazel nodded sadly. "I remember a lot, I don't know what they gave me but I remember a good portion."

"Your blood work came back and it was... colorful," Tara explained.

"I'm not interested in hearing what they gave me," Hazel sniffled. "Did you run any other tests?"

"I just did a basic panel; the toxicology came from Highland."

"Okay, so could you check for any kind of umm, infections, or whatever?"

Tara didn't immediately understand, much to Hazel's dismay, so she wanted to clarify. "Your white count was good. Are you concerned about the needles they used?"

"Actually," Hazel sat up a bit. "I didn't even think of that. I'm uhh," she paused to compose herself. "You can't tell Filip, please Tara."

"Even if I wanted to I can't as your doctor." Tara assured Hazel and held her hand supportively unaware of how uncomfortable it made her.

"I'm pretty sure I had sex with one of them, maybe," she hung her head. "They took me and as soon as I got to wherever the fuck they kept me they offered me water. It was spiked, that's the only way they could get me pliable enough to let them inject me at first. I knew it was ecstasy laced with some hallucinogen or something in that family, but it was like a goddamn party that night. Ecstasy fucks me up."

"One of the Niners raped you?" Tara asked ominously.

"No," Hazel ripped her hand away. "I didn't say no, I think...I think I kind of wanted too. It was like I knew deep down but I was so fucked up and I just...I went along with it."

Tara inhaled sharply. "Hazel that's not-"

"Tara, it's fine," Hazel snapped. "Just do the tests please?"

She frowned and nodded. "How's the withdrawal?"

"Shitty," Hazel whined. "I can handle it."

"You know all about it, right?" Tara asked as she paged a nurse to draw Hazel's blood. "Chibs explained your family history to me."

"I know," she huffed. "I still hope it's not bad cause it was only four days or so but I know everyone is different."

"You're going home with Chibs?"

"I am," Hazel didn't seem too thrilled. "Tomorrow you said?"

"At the earliest," Tara said as the nurse entered the room. "He's out in the hall, would you like to see him?"

"Yes, please."

Chibs slowly came into the room, more hesitant than before, and smiled sweetly as he sat beside her. "How are you?"

"Fine," she lied boldly. "Can I uhh, can I stay with you, or maybe can you stay with me? It's better for me to have some support and all."

"I already talked to Tara," he assured her. "You'll be coming home with me."

"Thank you." Hazel smiled sweetly although she was feeling so far from it. "So Anna is dead," she spoke coolly. "Trevor?"

"He got you out," Chibs sighed. "But he killed Anna himself and attacked our prospect to take her out if he clubhouse."

"She did OD?" Hazel asked timidly, almost guilty that she had been saved while Anna died surrounded by people who do it didn't care.

"Aye," he frowned. "He got a good beating and if he comes near you girls again he'll get more, but for now, we're letting him off easy."

Hazel was ambivalent; she hardly felt anything other than the cravings. "And Pope?"

Chibs didn't speak and Hazel nodded, figuring it was a sore point, she moved on. "Tig still mad at my sister?"

"Aye," he tensed. "She had us thrown out, Hazel. Told security to keep me away from you."

"Be nice," she whimpered. "Vi was trying to protect me, like I always try to do for her," Hazel explained. "She just didn't know how."

Chibs shifted in the seat, clearly Violet was another sore point, and out of frustration Hazel simply gave up.

"I don't feel well. I want to sleep."

Standing, Chibs kissed her forehead and saw himself out of the room. The sisters were close, closer than he had really ever known siblings to be, and he was growing tired of it.

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