Chapter 4 - Throwing In

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"There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes."

When Hazel and Violet returned to the bar, the former jumping back on stage to help shake the fear from her bones, the bartender took a call. Violet kept her eyes on the makeshift stage while the conversation took place but she was quickly let in on the topic.

"Violet," he tapped the bar. "Message for your sister, guy didn't leave a name but he had some kinda accent."

Taking the paper, she didn't hesitate to read the note but as her fingers began unfolding the beer stained paper, the bartender snatched it back. "Hey, give it."

"No, said not to let anyone else read it."

"You wrote it, you know what he said, so it can't be that secretive."

"Spoiled," he grumbled keeping the note in the pocket of his jeans as he wiped the bar compulsively.

The girls' boyfriends, Trevor and Nathan, arrived at last call. They grabbed a beer and helped as Hazel and her band packed up their equipment. Neither of the girls mentioned their visitors, out of fear and a need to forget, but Trevor sensed something. That was his job, he read people, and then usually pummeled them.

"You okay?" He asked, his lips tickling Violet's ear as he escorted her out of the bar and to his car.

"I'm good," she smiled sweetly. "I'm not ready for bed, let's do something."

Trevor cocked an eyebrow and sped off, eager for a late night with his girl, while Hazel and Nathaniel headed out after them.

"Hazel," the bartender called out. "Message for you," he said conspiratorially.

"Oh," she took the paper hesitantly. "Okay. Thanks."

As Nathaniel slammed her car door and moved around to his side, Hazel unfolded the note and, reading the word, felt her stomach knot with excitement.

"Noon. Parking garage Saint Thomas, basement level."


"Why am I doing this?" Hazel muttered to herself as she took the stairs, her head bobbing with each step, but she knew the answer.


He made he feel after about outing Tig, something she wanted to do on principal, and she was fascinatingly attached to him. Nathaniel was overweight, goofy and sweet but standard and comfortable, so the leather bound, Scottish outlaw filled her belly with butterflies and sent her mind into spun with morbid fascination. Stepping off the stairwell she saw Chibs, chilling on his bike, waiting for her.

"You're already here," she said with surprise. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

He grinned. "Don't worry about the apology," he snapped. "I didn't even think you'd come."

Hazel shrugged. "I was bored."

"Aye," he pulled off his gloves one finger at a time. "Tell me what happened."

Hazel sighed, it almost felt fake after trying to hard to forget it .lMy sister and I were getting hassled so we left the bar and uhhh smashed into a few cars. We saw the shooter sneaking away."

Chibs rolled his eyes. They both knew he wanted more than that. "Who was the shooter?"

"He threatened me."

"I just need you to say it lass. He's not going to touch you."

Hazel's feet moved beneath her, wanting to run, but she stayed in her spot. "Your friend, the guy you were with last night."

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