Chapter 7 - Coming Around

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"We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours." - Unknown

"I really don't want to do this," she whimpered as they arrived. "Please, Chibs," Hazel begged.

"No one is going to touch you," Chibs promised her, pining her against the cool brick of the building. "Except me," he winked, hoping to relax her but his charm didn't seem to have an effect. "Hazel, trust me." He said her name smoothly, it rolled off his tongue reverently, like a prayer, and Hazel felt her stomach flip.

"Guess I don't have a choice." She sighed, gesturing to the gun hidden under his cut. "Do I?"

"Not really."

Her breathing was shaky as he took her hand and pulled her into the bar. As two of the only Caucasians present, one proudly wearing his cut, all eyes were on them. "I hate this," she whispered.

"In the back," the bartender said with disapproval on her face. Chibs nodded at her and pulled Hazel along with him.

"What do I tell them I saw?" She asked, leaning so close he could feel her breasts against his back.

"Nothing." He said firmly. "You saw nothing, you told us nothing, that's it."

"Nice of you to join us," Clay hissed.

"She took some convincing," Chibs said harshly, whipping her arm around to bring her to the front of the table. He saw her start to tremble under the intense glare of Niners and Sons.

"Where's the other one?" Laroy asked abruptly. "There's two."

"Leave my sister out of this shit."

Chibs gave her a hard poke to the back but he was impressed by the fire she spat as she glared at them. Clay, Laroy and Chibs were preparing to speak when Tig came in with Violet struggling in his arms. "Sorry. Stubborn," he grumbled as he pushed her with Hazel. They sisters immediately grabbed each other's hands and held tight.

"Where's Trevor?" Hazel asked quietly.

"Long story," Violet sighed. "He's going to be pissed at me."

Hazel glared at her little sister, "You're in trouble."

"What did you see?" Laroy asked Hazel.

"Nothing," she said closing her eyes. "I hit my head, I barely even remember the accident."

"And you?" He glared at Violet.

"I saw a guy," she said, unable to make eye contact. "I don't know what he looked like, really, but he wasn't black and I never said shit to these assholes."

Even in the situation, Hazel was surprised by Violet's snappy attitude. She always had a mouth but this was the moment she shouldn't have. "I've taken a lot of shit for you, Vi, but I'm not taking a bullet."

"Happy?" Jax sneered at Laroy. "Want to let my guy and these girls go now?"

Laroy pursed his lips, giving Jax and Opie a dark stare and nodded. "Next time you see an SUV and you hear we got beef, you come talk to me, or this shit won't end like this."

Chibs grabbed Hazel's hand and turned her, pushing out into the main room of the bar and toward the exit. The sisters bolted, still holding hands, until they were back out on the street. "What happened?" Hazel asked Violet with force, the words carrying so much more than anyone else could understand. "Where's Trevor?"

"He's in San Fran," she shrugged. "I started a fight so I could leave."

"With him?" Hazel asked, her eyes suddenly fiery as she interrogated her sister. "He's an animal," she whispered harshly. "Why do you keep willingly getting involved with these people?"

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