Chapter 17 - A Bitter Pill

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"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply." David Jones


*The Next Evening*

"Alex, huh?"

Hazel's eyes scanned over the message from Tig and her brows furrowed with disapproval. The leather and the bikes and the club were not her issue; Tig, in general, was.

"Yeah, musta popped in when I was sleeping last night," Violet shrugged.

"And the note is still there?"

Violet mumbled something under her breath and rolled her eyes dramatically but Hazel continued staring in her direction.

"What do you want me to say?"

"What the hell you're thinking?" Hazel spat with an air of superiority.

Violet turned her nose up. "I'm not asking him to come around."

"You're not telling him to leave though." This time Hazel watched her tone, knowing Violet was sensitive and still healing, and softened her stare.

She shook her head. "No, I haven't. I don't know what it is, I just, I like him, I think?" Violet's slender fingers rolled the edges of her blanket obsessively. "I don't even know. It's always just been Trevor."

"We both dealt with shit so differently," Hazel mused. "I went out and banged every guy who looked at me. I mean everyone, but you, you stayed chaste. You were a good girl."

"I want to have fun with him," she whined. "But," Violet shrugged. "He's fucked up and I like that. It feels different."

That was a sentiment Hazel understood completely. "You do know if you do this, if you run around with this guy, there's a huge chance Trevor won't be there if you decide you're done and want him back."

"I know," Violet said with a sad smile on her lips. "I think I was looking for an out though, honestly."

Hazel nodded. "And what if this guy doesn't want to let you go when you've decided you've had enough?"

"Then I can get your boyfriend to rein him in," Violet smirked. "It's weird though. I hate him, he's annoying and perverted but shit, I still kind of like him."

"Sounds like a real winner, Vi." Hazel smiled genuinely and took her little sisters hand. "Just be fucking careful, please."

"I'm always careful," she winked. "God I want to get the fuck out of here."

"Oh," Hazel perked up. "About that, when they release you I want you to come stay with me for a while. You're gonna be sore and weak and it's just better this way."

Violet looked at her sister and, much to Hazel's surprise, did not out up a fight. "I actually really wanna do that."

"Cool," Hazel beamed. "Well, I gotta go meet a Scot for some fucking awesome sex, so, yeah, I'll text you later."

"Slut," Violet murmured with a grin.

"I am not!" Hazel feigned offense. "Take it easy." She blew her little sister a kiss and headed back down the hall excited to have Violet under her roof once again.


"He's a big fish," Tig said condescendingly. "Barosky's an ex-cop, his payroll is all dirty fucking cops, some are on the street and some ain't."

"We know it's this guy for sure?" Clay grumbled.

Tig nodded. "Him and Nero are working together, they gotta be, he's how that prick got me locked up."

"You got locked up cause that chick's boyfriend paid the cops off." Jax said curtly. "That ain't a solid link."

"Both the sisters said it," Chibs said, giving Tig some credibility. "He's got no other affiliations."

"It's gotta be Barosky," Clay rationalized. "It's Stockton, if Nero's in Stockton and this fucking cop owns it, they gotta be working together."

"That's what I've been saying," Tig grumbled. "He tapped Nero's boys to keep his own guys safe. Too many witnesses, one of them gets busted and it'll shake up everything."

"I don't think we should do anything," Bobby said solemnly. "I think we should honor our word with Nero."

"Another ally if Barosky is setting him up." Jax added.

"We'll discuss this in the daylight," Clay grumbled and the others slowly sauntered away. "Tig," he snapped his fingers. "Next time you want to get even make sure you're not fucking us over."

Tig nodded as his phone vibrated in his pocket. "Yeah, I'll remember that Prez."


Hey everyone! Just a short little chapter to move us along. So, I was wondering what you guys were thinking of this? The numbers aren't great but if you guys want it, I'll keep it going! I don't wanna write if you're not into it, you know? Let me know! Thanks so much! xoxoxo

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