Chapter 12 - Flipping Around

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"The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls." - Edgar Allan Poe

"Harder," Hazel whimpered, "Goddamn it."

Chibs grunted, pulling her hair as he moved faster and harder inside of her. The party was raging around them but, in the kitchen, they were the only two in the world.

"That all ya got, Filip?" She tried to sound bored but her voice faltered.

Opening his mouth to spit some sly and cutting remark her way, Chibs was silenced before he could begin by the sound of gunshots from outside. Hazel screamed, confused and terrified, as Chibs pulled her to stand, moving her under the counter as bullets from an automatic tore into the clubhouse.

"You okay?" He grabbed her face and looked her over for injury. "I have to go."

"No," she grabbed his hand. "Please don't. Please."

The shooting stopped suddenly but Chibs still went, despite Hazel's pleas. He fixed his pants as he moved quickly and as he stepped outside the second wagon rolled by, this time firing with hand guns. He saw Violet fall the ground, the only positive was she had been hit with a smaller bullet, from a handgun, rather than one of the automatic rounds.

Once the last bullets had been fired the night was silent, but a few distant gunshot echoes and the smell of smoke lingered vaguely. Shock wore off and people scattered but Tig remained over Violet, pressing against the wound in her abdomen.

"You're okay," he forced a laugh as her eyelids fluttered as if it would heal her miraculously. "Violet, don't be dramatic." He sighed in defeat, heavy with concern, as she passed out. "Fuck, Jax," he called out. "I need Tara, now."

Violet wasn't the only one hit but Tara was there in seconds. She pulled up Violet's shirt and looked at Jax with a cloudy expression. "I can't do anything. I have no tools, she's bleeding too much. She needs a hospital. Now."

"She can't be here," Tig said. "I gotta go."

"What?" Jax pulled a face. "Cops are on their way, after that you know they are

"Yeah," he nodded and scooped her up. "I'll be back."

Chibs watched as he hurried out of the lot and down toward where Violet said she'd parked. "Alright girl," he dug her keys from her pocket. "Don't fucking die on me, goddamn it, Vi, just don't."


He may not have agreed with it but Chibs was at least happy that Hazel would not have to see Violet bleeding so terribly. She came out, cautious, and immediately attached herself to his side.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked, seeing the blood pooling at their feet from Violet. "Holy shit, who got hurt? What happened?"

Chibs looked at Bobby and sighed, pulling her into a corner as the cops rolled into the lot. "Stay calm," he said soothingly. "Your sister was here with Tig, Hazel. He's just gone with her to the hospital."

"Vi?" Her face went white instantly. "I gotta go, I gotta be with her."

"Ah ah ah ah," Chibs grabbed her as she attempted to run. "Listen, you be a good little witness; tell the cops you didn't see shite cause I was nailin' ya in the kitchen, then I'll take you to Saint Thomas myself."

"Was it bad?" She asked as she cried, Chibs wrapping her up in his arms hoping to soothe her. "Why did he take her? Why didn't he wait for an ambulance?" 


Bursting into the ER with Violet dangling lifelessly in his arms Tig immediately shouted for anyone to assist him. "I need help," he bellowed. "Now."

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