Chapter 29 - The Come Down

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"Thoughts leave deeper scarring than most anything else." - J.K. Rowling

Violet got the message on her trip to pick up a few toiletries for Anna and, dropping the little basket, raced from the store to her car. She didn't go to the clubhouse, she didn't call Chibs or Tig, she went straight to Highland ER. As much as the sisters cared for the boys and supported their relationships, their number one priority was always each other no matter how they denied it or how much they fought.

"Hazel Yetton," Violet stammered to the receptionist. "She was brought in here, right?"

"Hey," Trevor appeared behind her. "They took her back, they know I'm waiting."

"As soon as there's news someone will be out," the nurse assured them.

"What did you do?" She asked in a harsh whisper. "What happened to her?"

"Pope," Trevor hissed. "He knew they had her, said something about them getting her high so I think he pumped her full of shit, some fucking lesson ironic bullshit."

"He what?" Horrified, Violet felt her hands and knees start to shake. "I need Alex, they just..." Looking up at him, Violet was hit with a very important question. "How did you know she's here?"

"I'm the one who got her here," he said defensively.

"How?" Violet growled. "If the guys couldn't get her away from him how did you?"

Hanging his head he swallowed hard and mumbled the painful truth he hated to admit. "I busted Anna outta the clubhouse and gave her to Pope."

"What?" She pushed him hard into the vending machine. "How? Why? They're going to torture her and it obviously didn't save Hazel from any of this shit!"

Grabbing her wrists as she wildly flung her hands and arms at him. "Hey," he said warningly. "She'd be dead if I didn't and Anna, she's not suffering."

"I have to call the guys," she sneered. "You need to leave or Chibs is going to kill you."

"Fuck them," he hollered as they took their battle to the parking lot. "There was no way they could have kept Anna safe AND saved Hazel."

She stopped, phone to her ear, and turned to look at him. "What did you do to Anna?"

"Letty, come on," he pleaded with her.

"Oh my god," she gasped. "Trevor, did you kill her?"

"It wasn't bad," he hated himself. "Better than what Pope would have done to her, she died...she died doing what she loved."

"You're not the man I thought you were." She whispered and shook her head. "You're a murderer."

"Oh so killing your dad didn't count?" He snapped. "You know who I am, what I do, and guess what, that old leathered piece of shit you're fucking has a body count too. He's probably killed countless people, Vi. That's what they do, traffic guns or drugs or whatever illegal shit they want and they're violent assholes."

"Violet!" She heard Tig's voice through the phone once Trevor had lowered his screaming. "Vi, where are you? What happened?"

"I'm at Highland ER with Hazel. You need to bring Chibs."


High tailing it to Oakland in impressive time Chibs, Tig, Clay and Jax skidded to a stop halfway up the emergency room parking lot. Violet had been waiting, crying quietly on the small smokers bench, while Trevor ghosted under the canopied automatic doors.

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