Chapter 3 - Knowing Your Enemy

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"Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light." - Bruce Lee

*The Next Morning*

"How's Donna?" Clay asked somberly as they gathered for church.

Opie nodded, a lit cigarette rolling between his thumb and index finger. "She'll be fine, in a lot of pain though. They're keeping her for a few days just to be careful."

"Anything you need, brother," Bobby offered with deep compassion.

"I need to know who did this." Opie grunted. "You talk to Unser about those two girls?"

"They didn't leave statements," Clay said seemingly distressed.

"We got names though," Jax chimed in excitedly. "Hazel and Violet Yetton. Sister."

Clay and Tig tensed, their eyes meeting for half a second, but no one noticed. "Unser call you with that? Guess he's skipping my name on the speed dial," Clay chuckled but his mind spun with ideas, dark ideas.

Jax pulled a face and ignored Clay's seemingly lighthearted question. "We'll go talk to em'", he suggested to Opie.

"You take one, I'll take the other," Tig said with a smarmy smile. "I'll see if I can't get my dick wet."

"This isn't about your dick, brother." Chibs said darkly. "I'll head out with him," he said to Clay, "Make sure he uses the right head."

Clay wished Tig hadn't made the joke but they had to roll with it, they'd figure it out. They had no choice.


"Why am I surprised this place is packed at noon on a Wednesday?" Opie grumbled to Jax as a scanty clad woman, who looked no more than eighteen, if that, welcomed them to Diosa.

Jax looked around, lips pursed tight, and shrugged. "Cause I'm guessin' most of these guys have two kids and a wife at home."

"Business lunch." Opie said, rolling his eyes, as Jax waved the hostess off and they moved toward the bar. Violet was working, as they had hoped, but she looked half asleep as she leaned her elbows on the bar with her eyelids growing heavy.

Seeing figures approach, she stood up straight but when Violet actually looked at them, she froze. "I don't know anything," she stuttered.

Opie and Jax looked at each other, taken aback by her apparent fear, and knew she was lying. "We're not going to hurt you." Jax said with palpable sincerity.

"Look," Opie placed his palms on the bar. "Someone came after my wife, almost killed her, we're just trying to find out who."

Violet stepped away, backing into the wall of floor to ceiling liquor, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to figure out what their angle was. "Is this some kind of a joke?"

"Why?" Jax asked with exasperation. "Did someone threaten you?"

"Yeah," she hung her head. "Someone did."

"You're not going to get hurt."

Trevor strolled in, sitting at the bar and tapping the bar with a crooked smile. "One second guys," she said apologetically. "What can I get you?" She asked, the two of them sharing much more than the guys realized with just a few looks.

"Gin and tonic," Trevor said, looking Opie and Jax up and down.

Violet mixed Trevor the drink, the exact way she knew he liked it, and seconds later placed it in front of him. "Look," Violet felt more confident with Trevor there. "I don't know anything and even if I did, I wouldn't say shit, I don't want to be the next girl getting shot."

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