Chapter 28 - If You Want It Done Right Do It Yourself

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"Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you." - Coldplay

It was gut wrenching for Chibs to leave knowing Hazel was still with the Niners but he got back on his bike and followed Jax and Clay. He had no choice and trying to cowboy in to rescue her would only result in someone, most likely Hazel, getting hurt.

They made their way back to the clubhouse to work on their plan. How could they manage to safely extract Hazel while keeping Anna out of Pope's reach; it seemed like an impossible task. The club members were in chapel when Trevor arrived after his own meeting with Pope.

"Hey man," Trevor smiled as he greeted Half-Sack by the door to the apartment. "Mind if I have a chat with Anna?"

"Yeah I do," the prospect chuckled. "Clay told you to get the fuck out. That still stands."

Trevor nodded and pursed his lips seconds before smashing Sack in the face with his elbow. When he hit the ground Trevor added a boot to his ribs and a taser to his neck for good measure.

"No wonder Hazel got taken, fucking amateurs."

Stepping over Sack then rolling him away from the door, Trevor stepped into the apartment and smiled sweetly at Anna. "Hi," she said quietly, recognizing him as Violet's boyfriend.

"Hey girl, how you doing?"

"I'm fucking scared and I'm feining," she whinnied.

Trevor nodded. "You wanna go for a quick hit? No one has to know."

"They told me not to leave," she said even as she stood and grabbed her shoes. "Said Pope is after me."

"No one is gonna hurt ya," Trevor offered her his hand. "Come on, let's go."

Trevor didn't have to work to sneak her out. The croweaters had no idea of the beef between them and everyone else was in chapel. He simply walked her right out to his car and sped right toward Pope's office.

"I thought we were gonna score?" She asked hesitantly as he parked.

Trevor nodded and got out, opening her door for her, and continued to lie. "You are."

They trotted through the lobby and once in the elevator he pulled a perfectly prepared syringe out of his pocket. "Oh shit," she was absolutely giddy. "Thank you."

"Yeah," he said sadly. "You're uhh, you're welcome."

It was too much but that was the point, he'd offer Pope the woman who killed his daughter but Trevor wasn't heartless enough to let them hurt her. Whatever way Pope had planned to kill Anna would undoubtedly be painful and he couldn't do that, not to a relatively innocent woman.

"Give it to me," she grabbed the needle and promptly injected it into her arm. "Thank you," she grinned as she haphazardly tossed the syringe down.

"Seriously?" He groaned with a heavy eye roll. "You feel good?"

"Yeah," she was already amped and he could see it.

"Good," Trevor knew she'd be seizing in no time. He's seen it plenty before.

Leading her down the hall he knocked on Pope's office door. It took less than a minute for someone to open up and, seeing Anna, they were immediately welcomed in by Pope himself.

"I knew you'd be the one," he smiled. "Trevor, thank you."

"What is this?" Instantly, amped turned into paranoid as she pushed Trevor away. "Come on man."

"Shhh," he tired weakly to calm her. "You're fine."

"No," she shrieked until her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed to the floor. As her body convulsed violently and foam bubbled from her lips Trevor turned away with tears in his eyes.

"I didn't know she shot up before we got here." He lied boldly.

"That's bullshit," Pope roared. "I saw you in the elevator," he pointed off to the security monitor. "And those white trash bikers kept her happy and high too."

"Alright whatever," he snapped. They simply allowed Anna to overdose right here on the overly expensive carpet without batting an eye. "Sober wasn't part of the deal."

"Alive was," he sneered. "It's fine, you'll have to move quickly to keep Hazel breathing."

"What?" Trevor didn't have to wait long for an answer. Hazel was brought in from a door behind Pope's desk and she looked just as worn as Anna had with matching fresh track marks. "What did you do to her?"

"Chibs and Hazel care so much about junkies," he glanced back as one of the Niners injected Hazel. "I thought it would be fitting to turn his girl into one but that elevator trick made that last hit happen."

"Trev," she whimpered as they shoved her toward him. "I don't feel good." She trembled and her skin was clammy as he took her hand. "My chest hurts."

"Tick tock," Pope grinned. "Highland ER is just a few blocks away."

"Trevor," Hazel leaned her weight against him. "Where's Chibs?"

"Come on, girl, we gotta go."

Scooping her up into a fireman's hold Trevor swiftly took Hazel out of the office and raced to the elevator. As he turned the corner, just half a block from the ER, Hazel began to seize in his passenger seat. Squealing to a stop, blocking traffic, Trevor carried Hazel up the parking lot and into the ER where she was promptly raced away.

He sank into a creaky uncomfortable plastic chair and sent a short text to Violet.

"Hazel is at Highland ER in Oakland. I don't think it looks good. I tried. I'm sorry."

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