Chapter 15 - No Sense In Denying

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"We're caught up in the crossfire of Heaven and Hell and we're searchin' for shelter; so lay your body down next to mine." - Brandon Flowers

Arriving home as soon as he could Chibs found Hazel asleep on the couch with the TV on and a half finished beer on the table. He smiled, comforted by her presence, and scooped her up against his chest to take her to bed. It wasn't often that he had a woman around, it was hardly ever actually, but he truly enjoyed Hazel's companionship and the levity she brought to him.

Gently, he got her into bed and began to undress, strutting into the bathroom to start the shower, while she stirred and found a comfortable spot between the sheets. In and out in around five minutes he dripped his way back to the bedroom to find Hazel awake with a joint between her lips.

"Hey," she sighed. "Hope you don't mind."

"That's mine?" He chuckled. "I wouldn't have known."

She smiled. "I'll take em' more often then."

"Here," he reached out and took it, taking a few drags, before handing it back. "You how long were you asleep?" He was stalling, unsure how to ask for what he needed when he circumstances were delicates. The last thing he wanted was her storming out but he needed what she knew.

"Not long enough," Hazel groaned. "I have to help set up at the new shop tonight, I can't lay around forever."

"You don't have to go yet though," he grumbled as he jumped in bed with her. He was unconsciously avoiding her gaze, his mind on more than just being with her there in the moment.

Her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped, feigning shock, and she crawled over to rest her head on his stomach. "Who says? You?"

"Aye, me," he said as he rolled her onto her back. Leaning over her, the joint between his lips, he began to unbutton his shirt, which she had borrowed after a shower of her own.

"What do you need?" She grabbed his hands and stilled him just before he opened the shirt completely. "You're distracted, I can tell."

Sitting back on his feet, Chibs eyed her suspiciously, but he couldn't sense any ill will coming from her; all he felt was the usual warmth and kindness.

"Nero is the one who ordered the driveby," Chibs said sadly. "And I needed a bit of information so we can keep Diosa out of our retaliation."

"Why didn't you ask me up front?"

He crawled off of her, knowing he wasn't getting any further with her physically, and offered her the joint. "I don't know your history with him, but I know you got some."

"We're uhh," she scrunched her nose as she searched her brain for the word. "A couple, right?"

"You're my girl," he said firmly. "Wee bit old for the boyfriend title."

Hazel smirked and sucked in her bottom lip. "I can't say that I'll always give you the answer or information you want, Filip, but just ask cause even if I don't give it I won't go behind your back and sell you out."

"Can you give me what I want now?" His fingers combed his damp hair out of his eyes. "Information and other things."

"There's a bar," Hazel explained. "It's not Nero's but the few guys he has hang out there. "But there's lots of guys who, aren't innocent, but had no business with Nero or the Lats." She hesitated, feeling as if she gave Chibs the rest of the information, the piece that would solve his dilemma, she would become part of the problem and one of the people she judged and despised.

"I have less of a problem shooting gang bangers than innocent girls." He grumbled, reaching for his phone, but Hazel grabbed his hand.

"Nero's right hand, Fiasco, I know where he lives." She felt a rush of adrenaline flood her system. "He's got a girlfriend but she has her own place."

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