Chapter 18 - The Moments Between

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"You aren't what's happened to you, you are how you've overcome it." - Beau Taplin

Leaving the hospital, Hazel went to Chibs' rather than her own lonely empty apartment. She was surprised to find he was already home and comfortable, cut off and relaxing on the couch.

"Hey," she felt surprisingly awkward on his front step when he answered the door.

Chibs smiled and stepped aside for her to enter the house, watching her hips sway as she went. "Wasn't sure I'd see ya tonight."

"Yeah," when she turned he was right up on her. "I wanted to talk to you about Nero and shit. What all happened with that?"

He kissed her, eager but short, and pulled her to join him on the couch. "Don't know if it was Nero," Chibs explained. "That Fiasco prick is saying someone else hired em', the driveby wasn't Nero's call."

"Makes sense," she reached out for his beer and Chibs allowed her to take a gulp. "Nero isn't like that, you know, I mean I didn't think of that cause most obvious explanation is him since it was his guys but Baroksy sometimes has the Lats do shit for him to keep his cops looking clean."

"That information could have been useful earlier this evening, lass." He gave Hazel a look, annoyed but still enamored by her, and took his beer back. It wasn't really her fault and he knew that but it was still frustrating how easily they all went with the obvious, but incorrect, explanation.

"I didn't know," she said sorrowfully. "Really, you said Nero's boys so I thought Nero. I don't know the details, just what I hear from Vi and Trev."

"Any of Nero's boys know you?" Chibs asked, his mind floating to Fiasco's threats concerning the club's informant.

Hazel shrugged, unsuspecting, and curled up against the arm of the sofa. "They know my face, I guess? Why?"

"Just wanted to know how in you are with them all."

"We have a love hate," she explained. "I've known Nero forever, for years I played dumb like I didn't know him and ignored him, immature as shit, but whatever. Lately it's kind of pointless to pretend though."

"Aye," he left to get two fresh beers and some whisky. "That asshole has it out for us now."

"Which?" She laughed a little. "Nero is a pussy cat, really, I'm not surprised at all about what Fiasco said. I'm kind of mad I didn't think of it."

"Oh I meant your sister's boy," he clarified.

"She's dumping him," Hazel eyed Chibs. "For your curly haired friend, apparently."

"Tiggy?" Chibs laughed. "She's gonna be sadly mistaken, he doesn't really take on old ladies."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Vi said she just wants to have fun with him, I told her it's probably a bad idea but, she's a big girl now."

"Oh he'll be fine with fun," Chibs chuckled and sent Tig a quick text.

"I shudder to think of his version of fun," Hazel said with a grimace.

"Aye," Chibs grabbed her ankle and pulled her across to his side of the couch. "How about my version of fun?"

"I'm a big fan of that," she giggled as she crawled onto his lap. "I can't believe how terrified of you I was when we first met." Hazel tugged his goatee with a playful smile.

"That's good for my ego," he stilled her hand and brought it to his lips.

Hazel scoffed. "I said used to be scared until I realized you're a big fucking teddybear."

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