daddy's little girl

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Your p.o.v
( Flash back )

"Daddy?!" I yelled " (y/n)!" , The tall man smiled "Where's Mummy?", I asked . " over there ", he points to her on the sofa. I walked up to her, she didn't move. She wasn't normal... she wasn't human... " M-M-Mummy?!" I started to cry ." I'm sorry (y/n), here", Daddy gave me a gun and I . * bang bang*

(Flash to now)

"Daddy, why did you kill her? "you mutted loud. " , " (y/n)? Are you okay?! " Grian asked in confusion.

Why did he kill Mum? I will always hated him... " I will always hate him! Mum was so kind but you... Dad... You are sick " I looked down starting to cry. " sorry Grian" I ran off into the girls bathroom and cried alone until. " oh... Only if only my eye was true I should put a spell on you",A voice echo. "Ellen is my name... Some people say witchcraft is my game" the voice gots louder. She opened my door and said " why did you run? Because Grian , your love Stole your life in a book?",

what does that mean?

" no...?" I replyed. Grian was hugging the wall. I could hear his badge roll down the thin walls.

" Its not that Ellen. I like Grian! Well...", I said with a shy tone.

" Well?", Ellen smiled. "I don't like Grian", I admitted.

Grian bashed his fist onto the white wall, sliding down slowly .

"What then?", Ellen asked . " I will never like Grian ... I love Grian and I can't say it to his face. I get too shy. OH! I wish I could just jump out to him and tell the truth". I couldn't hold it in but my face was showing how flattered i was.It was like my face was about to explode.

" well my witchcraft wouldn't  work for this matter". Ellen said with a mean tone. Grian is greatful and left. " I feel much better to have a normal life" I smiled. * ring ring * . the bell rang as (y/n) walked with Ellen to gym.

Grian p.o.v

So she likes me...I still have the diary and I could read it later .

Sam looks a bit more happier... So does Taurtis.
Well its gym now. But where is (y/n) . where is Ellen? I hope she... Well I should care about Ellen... But I hope 'they're' safe.

" lisen up MAGGOTS! ", Rowan screamed .

oh no... She's going to be late! Where is Miss Okami to get her out of this?

You p.o.v

" I'm sorry!", you start talking to miss okami as Ellen runs to gym. " you don't have to do gym... Ever unless you want to join in once or twices but be careful", miss okami said . wow... But I want to join in.

( time skip to lesson ... Yes you join in hehe)

Your p.o.v

Roll? As a ball... Fine. The class is split in to girls and boys... I have a bad feeling but I'm going to kick there ass. " MAGGOTS! GO!", Rowan yells .

A ball goes flying across to the left of
my face.. " bye bye Hidden!", I throw the roll hitting his crown off. " damn", Hidden is surprised. I turn around to see only Sookie, Owl, Invader and I left. I see on the boy side only J, Sam, Power Dragon, Grian, Star and Taurtis left. I aim at Power Dragon and I shoot. " aaah!" He sounded like a girl ... "One out ... Five more!" I yell . I slip and land on Sookie and I almost got hit, Taurtis and Sam are teaming up on me. Invader trys to hit out Grian but sam jumps infront "no! Sammypoo! " invader Cry's "yes" Sam says " uur Sam?" Grian is more confused than ever. Taurtis gets out Sookie as (y/n) was getting up . I can't think... Who to aim at . I think about dad... I got angry and started to hit out Taurtis . " no! How did she !? ", tauris ran out of the game to see Sam spying on Yuki. Yuki was going into the boys locker room with a camera. I aimed for star . " why! ?", ops... I made a crack on his helmet. Next was Grian and j... " Owl! YOU GO FOR GRIAN I GO FOR J! " I yelled with anger ... Where was JTS? Oh he was to easy! He he. I aimed for J . I slipped on the floor dropping all my rolls " ummm... We can talk this out J! ", I said with fear.. "Say goodbye (y/n) " he replied.. Owl hit him out and then Grian hit Owl out... It was me and Grian left... I didn't want to hit him so we " Rowan?! Can we PLEASE have time out?" I asked with a smile.  "  for 5 second", he replied " Grian ... I fake the hit okay", I whispered... " times up... GO! MAGGOTS!" Rowan yelled.

( time skip to the end where you lost and grian won)

* ring ring* "go home MAGGOTS" Rowan says lightly for once. "(Y/n)?" Grian asks " hmm?" You blush as you answer. " can I" he starts rubbing his neck " can... Can I walk you to your house?", you madly blush " YEAH! I mean ... Yeah". You both walk to your house holding hands.

( 822 words ... He he . so reader! I will keep making these but I will have to upload every 2 days... BTW it is because of school.. I hate British schools . we're not allowed phones out until we're out of the gates and if any teacher sees they take it until home time.. Bye!)

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