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( this chapter is about meeting Grian's mum and you will find out the area i live ! Corchester, Essex. I live in 2 houses because my mum and dad live in london and my sister and brother-in-law live in corchester .dont know where Grian lives so im placing it at my house! AND!; sorry for the worse drawings that I did by phone! With ma' finger)

Your p.o.v

Coming off of an airplane and going into the building with Grain wasn't fun. I was plane sick. Very plane sick.

" we're nearly there. We need to take a -" Grian stopped. The building was empty. Only the people who worked here was in our view. It was like a zombie out break happened.

~ time skip~

We all where close to...

East London, we drove down the road. Grian was asleep on me.

I wanted to kiss him. I just didn't know when. I was looking around until I saw crabman Carl!
" hey stranger! " I said waving and holding Grian's head, I was still blushing.

" It's that you? Stranger? And other stranger? The two annoying 'hoomunaaans' who stole from my shop and killed most of my police men?" He smiled.

" yep that's us crab-bro" I replied.

He was the driver. I was... the bed for Grian. I knew Grian wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon.

~ time skip~

( texting time! S= Sam u= you)

S= yo, are you there yet? I'm kinda helping out taurtis with his problem. He wants some girls hair. I need to kidnap that girl and cut all her hair!

U= wow. An essay . I'm back at school! Hehe. I'm still on the bus,train, car thingy. And why does taurtis want hair?!? And what girl? Poor thing must be scared.

S= naa. That girl is okay. More okay then grain the girl XD

U= -_- .... wow

S= Xp taurtis really wants hair since he removed it .

U= well I gotta wake up my bae

S= his asleep?

U= yeah

S= I was told off last time.... well ... be... be safe with him okay. And if you need anything I'll be here. Don't tell Grian but his mum is like a witch.

U= why do you say that?

S= just. Be safe.


(Jk. Now you are like. Zo my god!)

Wake up... damn. His like a dead person.

Grians p.o.v

Oh (y/n)... I love my dreams. Wait , what poking me?...*wake up* " DAMN! MY 'GOOOD' DREAM! It... * sniff* gone, bye..." I said sniffing away only pain left... of my dreams! But theI have (y/n) with me. , " hi hi" I replied to the annoying poking. "we need to get off! Com'on" (y/n) replied grabbing the bags. She was next to my leg. I felt wrong! Ew, bad Grian. I got up and left with her. She cling onto my arm and said " I can't wait until I meet your mum!" . I blushed. Maybe my mum would love to meet her too .

" wait here, I need to call my mother" I walked a inch or more away from

* phone call*

(M= Grians mum. G= Grian)

G= hey-


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