chapter 38

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(Sorry. I forgot my password word and was crying that I could never make more to show you all I care for Grain senpai)

Me and Grian where cleaning up. We just had our 2023 new year.

"Grian's a great photographer and I'm an artist now.
We have our own house and our own jerry!"

"(Y/n) I've got us Chinese food!" Grian walks in giggling.

" w-ell. Thank you BABE-I MEAN HUNNY" I went bright red...

I saw him cleaning?
How did he get food??
Oh well...

"Who where you talking to?" He put the food on the table and kissed your forehead.

"Myself of corse silly" I smiled. Giggling too.

"Ok babe" Grian walks off in his long coat.

Ever since the minion outbreak, me and Grian ran away. We found a person with magical powers. She had pink hair. She was giggling and laughing alot.she had pig tails.-anyway she showed us a path to a wardrobe. Me and Grian walk inside.

We saw flashing lights.
There was no Narnia.
It was a tight place. So tight that I had to sit on Grian's lap.

Grian was happy at least.
"It seemed like we are going to be here for a while" Grian laughed.

"SHUSH. Hehe. Of corse we will be but we are ... alone~" I said calmly and I started to blush.

Grian poked my cheek. Then he cuddled me. It was so warm.

○39 hours later- aka 1 day and 15 hours○

Grian was fast asleep. I just woke up to see me sitting between Grian's legs and my head on his chest. Laying like this would he hurting his neck! I quickly woke him up and cupped my hands around his neck making him lift his head straight.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? Look I know I ate the last cinnamon roll but-"Grian wouldn't be quite. I put one hand over his mouth.

"Listen. Listen Grian" I started with, "I'm holding your neck becuase the way your laying is gonna give you pain. I don't want you to have pain. Please sit up" I smiled weakly.

Grian sat up straight and moved my hands away. He pulled me close to wear. Our faces where in link. Nose to nose. Eyes in contact. Hearts beating.

I was almost breathless when he-


"This is why I love you
(Y/N) and without you. I don't know what to do. Thank you for being there" Grian laughed.

Later that day we heard a scream.  It sounded like a bunny and a... thing with headphones.

The world made a storm. It wiped out everywhere.

We woke up... I'm our house. . .

I got up and opened the door. It's all the same. We got land. Houses. Our Work. Schools.

List it all and we got it.
But we don't have a Sam or a taurtis anymore.

YAY- I mean. I really miss them and all but this give us the time to be a normal couple that can hug by the fire place. That can go out and eat whatever, where ever.  I can't wait. Maybe me and Grian can go Mexico for christmas too.

~to be continued~

(This is all I'm writing . Can't wait for the Christmas special )

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