Like Lightning

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The winds in my hair,
The suns on my face.
You're beside me,
And I am alive.

Live life with a flare
Not slowing the pace
Always riding
With you by my side.

We are the wild ones.
Forever run free.
We run like the stallions,
And we'll never be tamed.

Boy, we have the passion,
And a destiny,
Born to be the only ones,
To be one and the same.

Our love is afire,
It bursts with the light.
Even as the rain pours,
The flames never are doused.

It's fueled by desire,
Our hearts will ignite.
In the eye of the storm,
The worst always comes out.

We avoid the blunder,
Speak what's on our mind
When the wind's are raging,
Our love calms the sea.

We fear not the thunder,
Empty threat of the blind.
Sounds some are mistaking
As a sign to flee.

Our spats are like lightning.
Strikes around us, but,
Never the same place twice.
We know we'll work through it,
And the calm will return.

Yes, our love is mighty.
We know this because,
Love will last for the wise,
For those who will notice,
And those who will learn.

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