To Boo

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There is a young man
I keep close at hand,
Better at this than I am,
He's my fam.
Not literally but figuratively
He's totally cooler than me
And I'm struggling with this rap.
He's dark chocolate
I'm white chocolate
And his girlfriend is milk chocolate.
He's got a killer voice,
Approve the choice he made,
When it comes the gal he dates.
Cuz She's got that saving grace.
And I have decided I
Need you to redesign,
And rearrange this rap of mine
Cuz honestly,
It's positively crap.
That is a fact, Jack.
Don't know where to go from here,
Ain't clear
Where I ought to steer
Better start shifting gears.
What I'm trying to say,
After that first awkward meet,
I couldn't wait
For Tuesday
Even though, I can't deny
My homework wasn't on time.
Can't remember what I read,
Any of the content
World view is important,
But it ain't really my thang.
Only reason I didn't change
The only reason I stayed,
Was cuz I was have'n too much fun
Get'n nothin done,
Laughing cuz u know what's up,
And the answer no matter what
Will always be Jesus.

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