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Shouting out orders,
Rude, know it all customers,
The noise finds
It's way into my mind.

The hustle and bustle
Behind counters and Windows,
There's too much running,
Too many people wanting
Things from me.

And she stands there and fans
The flames with her sass.
The pressure rises faster than the temperature,
The stress level faster than the pressure.

The clock strikes twelve,
And I run like hell.
The frustration is seen all over
My face, now painted with anger.

I pack it up,
And I walk out
Without a sound.
I sit on hot leather seats,
Head in my hands,
Try to relax.

I flip on the radio,
That plays out a song so old.

God of wonders beyond our galaxies,
You are holy. Holy.
Precious Lord, reveal your heart to me.
You are holy. Holy.

My eyes close slowly,
Deep breath in, deep breath out,
I feel the stress melt as I breathe,
And listen to the sound.

I lean back as your presence washes over me,
It's sweeping in like the night tide.
It rolls in, grabs hold of the anger and pain,
And it rolls out, leaving your peace behind.

I'm new at this, and I fail sometimes,
I forget who you are and let it anger rise.
I forget who lives inside.

I missed so many opportunities to show your love,
Constantly messing up,
But your mercy and grace
Is new every morn,
I know I will make it
If I keep you as my Lord.

If I remember all others
Are second to one.
Even the friend you gave me,
The one whom I love.

He is more than a friend,
He is perfect for me,
All his imperfections
Add to his beauty.

You gave me the kind of man
I had always wanted.
A man who's so similar to me,
Yet down to earth to keep me grounded.

One who will join me in my childish escapades,
And one who has similar likings and tastes.

He is all that I lack,
He is my better half.
And he is my favorite gift,
Second only to Christ Saving my life by giving his.
He is my deepest love,
Second only to The heavenly Father and His Son.

You have blessed me so abundantly,
All I have is because of you.
All I am is because of the things you do,
And so I'll give it all back to you.

All you are is who I long to be,
And what you gave to me,
I will give away,
And know that still my cup is overflowing.

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