The King

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This is my 2 am
Talking to best friends,
Missing a distant lover,
And remembering past regrets.

My biggest regret of all.
My most hated foe
With whom I fought,
And bickered with long ago.

I let him seep into my life,
And into this new romance I acquired.
The thought of him was gasoline,
His spoken name the spark that lights the fire.

It separated me and my love
Lines in sand turn to boundaries aflame,
Instilling fear and distrust
Towards the one who knows everything.

But I must close my eyes
Fight to remember
That my lover
Is nothing like the king of lies.
He's not like the wolf,
The hunter of the foolish heart.
The killer of the trusting soul.

Genuine is my lovers affection,
Tender are the words he whispers.
Never is he cruel,
Never does his loyalty falter.

Nevertheless did my troubled mind
Fear he too would play the part
Of candy coated poison,
The new king of broken hearts.

But I hear my lovers voice
Echo through my mind saying
'Have I not proven myself to you?
When will you trust me, my darling?'

It's time to let go, time to move on.
For the king puppeteer
Who toyed with my emotions
To make me dance round truth forgotten,
Has found a new, young pushover.

So this is my 2am.
Texting old flames,
Conversing with past regrets,
Applying the phrase 'Forgive and forget'.

Erase the king from memory,
Replace him with the Prince of the woods.
The healer of the broken heart.
The center of his lovers world.

The huntsman of wounded lives,
The reader of the silent pain.
The close companion of the divine.
And the dream of the girl you saved.

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