You Are All

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There is a sadness.
Tis a special kind of sadness.
It's a slow sadness.
It is quiet,
It is hidden.
It buries itself in the heart.
This sadness is rarely seen,
Until you pause, and then it's sparks.
And then it's seen everywhere.
But only seen by you.
It's seen in the spaces between fingers,
It's seen at a table set for one.
It's seen in empty chairs,
It's heard in the quiet
When there should be laughter and love.
It's seen.
It's seen because I don't see
Your fingers in the gaps between mine.
It's seen because I don't see
Another plate, or another glass of wine.
It's seen because I don't see
The person who left the dent in the chair,
it's heard because I don't hear
Anything because no body's here.

There is a sadness.
Tis a special kind of sadness.
Tis where all that you want
Is all that you have,
But all that you have,
Is all that you lack.

And you wish to speak
But all the words leave.
Incapable to explain what your feeling.

How do you tell someone
They are the sun in the sky
They are the stars in the night
They are color in your world,
The music you dance to,
The first and last thought
At the setting of the sun
And at the breaking of dawn.

And when they're away,
Your world is not the same.

Your world goes dark,
And there's no stars
To guide you home
Everything turns black and white,
And there is no beat
To keep your heart in time.

And there is no longer a first and a last,
For when you lay down to rest,
They're always there.
They invade your sleep.
They control your dreams.
There is no escape from reminders of them.
Each and every thought of them
Slowly makes your world go dim.
And all you can think about
Is them.

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