Variety Is The Spice Of Life

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Pretty girls are mean girls.
All the blonds are stupid,
Quarter backs are players,
And newbies are clueless.

Have you noticed the way
This world has claimed
And labeled us all?

The alcoholics son will be just like his father,
She wears less clothes and is said to be asking for it.
The way people judge each other is horrid.

The youth of this world are the worst bullies yet,
And they hit you where it hurts
But I'm tired of having to deal with the stress
And scars that come from their words.

She's into girls.
He's into guys.
She's straight
And he can't decide.

And the world spins.

Two men apply for a job.
One is black. One is white.
The both have the same credentials,
But on which one will they decide?

Chances are it'll be the white man.
This sort of racism is everywhere,
And it's something I can not stand
What's it matter the color of skin or the texture of their hair?

A sixty year old man marries a gal in her twenties.
She's fifty years old, been married five times.
Is it wrong that he finds youth to be beauty?
Is it wrong that she can't find Mr.Right?

Who are we to judge
What others believe to be love?

I am in love with one
Two years my junior
So what does that make me?

I am seventeen, he is fifteen,
So tell me. What does that make me?
A slut?
A cougar?
A hoe?

You tell me that we are young.
That what he and I have is just a phase.
That relationships come and go,
And that we don't have what it takes.

But when you were our age,
This was all farm land.
There's things that you can't
Understand that goes on these days.

I'm so sick of adults telling me how to live,
Parents telling me what college to go to.
This is my life and I get to make my own choices
Whether you want me to or not.

So maybe I'll live my life
Just to show you up.
Just to constantly remind
You we can love who we want.

Pretty girls aren't always mean,
And not all blonds are stupid
Some quarterbacks play because they love the game
And not all newbies have no brains.

Oreo couples have gorgeous kids,
Some older men get real lucky,
It takes some women longer to find the one,
And some teens just want to be taken seriously.

Variety is the spice of life.
So stop the God damn hate'n.

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