Little Piece of Glass

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I used to seek a friend for the end of the world,
I used to wander looking for a brothers hand to hold.

Soon my experience drew a small crowd,
For I held many answers they had never found.
And up to me walked a boy
A willowy young man,
His hair bleached for the waters master.
And in his hand
He held a piece glass
A piece from his shattered heart
A piece he used to cut
And scar his arm.

He told me of a his shameful past.
And I reached out,
And took the piece of glass
And carved his name upon my heart.
I promised that my heart was true,
That he, my brother,
Though not by blood,
But by the connection to each other,
Could always call me friend.
Forever till this world shall end.

But this boy turned from me,
His eyes now held a firey flame,
The venom in his words
Surged through my veins.

His hateful spite brought me to my knees.
His anger and hatred, he took out on me.
He yanked the piece of glass
Out from my hand,
And dragged it across my heart,
Crossed out his name which I carved.

But still his name can be seen.
An X lies atop
To mark its very spot.

His name forever on my heart
No matter how far away He runs,
I will forever remember the scar,
The crossed out name of the boy
I carved in my heart
With his little piece of glass.

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