My Mikki Mouse

18 2 1

Quiet nights filled with wonder,
Here beside a sleeping monster.
One who loves,
One who prays,
And one who jumps,.
This one, a gymnast,
She seeks his face.

This change in her,
This sleeping bear,
The one sprawled out
With messy hair,
This change is what I seek.
This change has made her new.

Oh this beauty
Who longs to live.
Words of wisdom
Revealed in quiet hours.
The peace that comes from the one within
Has taken over,
Has made her bolder.

Her face has felt heavens kiss,
Her hand has felt the fathers grip,
Her eyes have seen his tender love,

What will I do with this freckled girl?
Beneath the word innocence
In Webster's giant book,
You'll see a one word definition.
You'll see this young girls name.


What will become of the gal with bed head?
Who loves the freedom
That always comes
With the single lady's mindset?

What will become of this friend of mine,
This one invested in doing right?
What will the days ahead bring forth?

The Lord only knows.

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