The Time is Right

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I lie awake at night and hear the words you say.

The past was filled with deep sleep nights,
Movements stilled, till mornings light

Now I find most recent nights
To be unlike the times before.

In the midnight hours I lie awake.
'For reality's a better place
Than the dreams I once preferred.

But when the need to rest finally conquers,
This is where my closed eyes wander.

I see your handsome face,
Hair curly and soft
Your strong jaw
The tips of my figures yearn to trace.

I see the sun shining bright.
Highlighting the handsome face
Thats mashed against a pillow case.
The first thing I see when I awake.

Oh the things you do to me,
Like none that came before.

Your earl grey on a rainy day,
A shiny penny in the parking lot.
A Lamborghini, foot off the break,

Comfort, luck, and freedom.

Oh, what have you done to me,
That I would risk it all for you?

Your like smooth jazz on the radio.
The song I sway in time to,
"Ain't no Sunshine When she's gone."

Like happiness.
Like soul music.
Oh, you feel like home.

I look to you, who calls me beautiful.
I look to you, who calls me brave.
I look to you, who makes these claims.

The person you claim me to be
Pales in comparison of who you are.

Though the struggles persist,
Still, your eyes, they shine so bright.

Even so,
If I could go
Back to days long ago,
I would never let you walk alone.

I would find you in a back alley,
And I'd offer you my hand.
I would find you at the party's,
And I'd ask to be your friend.

In the days where your heart was light,
Where your voice was loud,
Where people's laughter was your delight.

I'd go back to those days,
Go back in and save a boy
Before his openness gets wiped away.

But the past is locked.
I can't go back.
Those days are lost.

So instead, look at me.
Look at me and know.
My darling, when you look at me,
Know I'll never let you go.

To me, you are the one I love.
The one who holds my heart.

Oh, I long to share and tell the news.
To those unaware, unknown to you,

But I mustn't speak,
I mustn't let it show.
My happiness I can't explain
I mustn't let them know.

For now, my silence, I must keep.
But I truly wish this love I have
Could be spoken of with pride.
But now is not the time.

The way I see myself with you
Is not something I will share with you.
For now is not the time.
It is wise to decide when the time is right.

And so, until till then,
I'll hold onto my dreams.

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