Whispers To The Stars

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The howling of the wind.
The steady ticking of a modern style clock.
The chill of the cold,
The toasty, warming comforts of home.

The stars above, bright and dim,
The solitary bulb, bout 70 watt.
The scouts winter journey,
The readers adventurous stories.

The trees that surround,
The the solid walls of the den.
The giant flakes of snow falling down,
The pleasing heat flooding in.

The communication that's missing.
The same things being wished for.
The same horizon line,
The same distaste for saying goodbye.

The same tug on the heart when leaving,
The same sense of longing for more.
The same moon in the sky.
Repeated I love you's whispered at night.

Your so far away,
Surroundings have changed.
But the sky is the the same.

I'll whisper to the stars,
Things I'd tell you from the heart,
And they'll shoot back to you,
And remind you that soon,
Our locations will no longer be different.

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