Kaleidoscope of Stars

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The empty space is painted.
The pigments of a divine pallet
Brushed across the empyrean
Royal Blues that fades into the blackness.

The way the sky ignites in colors
Hues that change gradually
In a display of His majesty.

This metaphor revealed in the cosmos,
The hidden meaning in the night sky.
My mind centers on finding the understanding,
Straining to gain the concepts that ride the night tide.

I ponder the fact it starts with black
Speckled with white dots of hope for tomorrow.
I ponder how each person is a star all their own.
Strengthening those upon whom the hope is bestowed.

I close my eyes, and picture the hearts of two distant stars.
Their predestined routes soon to collide
Not in this moment, not in this lifetime,
But when it's written in light and the time is right.

Im raptured by this spectacle,
The nearing of the two stars
It marks the beginning of an epoch of collision.
Onto a new mission,

The risk of disaster was heavy
This clash, this smashing together
All existence could disappear due to the force
If they didn't slow down, didn't change course.

Their speed was great but it dissipated,
As these giants met head on,
Joined as a whole, till death do they part,
Each personality displayed in a kaleidoscope of hearts.
A shattered scattered arrangement of stars.

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