Army, Navy, Marines.

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You will be trained.
Pushed past your limits,
Trained for the extreme,
Most deadly situations.

You will have the most experience
Out of all in force.
You will be a master
At what you were born for.

This is what you were made to do.
We both know what you will choose.

That doesn't mean that I won't be
Worrying about you constantly.

Because I will.

I know that you can keep yourself safe.
After all, that's why you are trained.

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder,
And that for sure I will ponder,

Because I will have all the time in the world,
All the time to waste,
Cuz I know it will be a while,
Till I will see your face.

But to wait would be an honor,
Because a friend like you, there is no other,

There is no other candidate
No one else running.
Tho the time to choose is far away,
I know that it is coming.

So I will drink in the moments
That take my breath away,
And silently sit and wait,
Till the day your here to stay.

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