Every Once In Awhile

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She is a fighter.
She is brave.
She is beautiful.
She is broken.
She is one who's days
Are battlefields of bad habits.

She is one who fights addictions.
Who fights the cravings,
Who fights the urges,
And the knee jerk reactions.

She fights for freedom.
Freedom from her chains,
The locked doors,
The prison bars,
Freedom from closed gates.

She is one who fights.

But some times she fails.
Sometimes she lets go.
Every once in awhile,
She steps of the preset road.

Sometimes she slips.
Every once in awhile,
She lights it up,
She pours just one drink,
She calls him one last time,
She pulls out the comfort food,
She clicks a forbidden link,
She orders one more thing online,
She rolls down her sleeve to hide.

Every once in awhile,
She can't look you in the eye,
And you will ask her why.

Every once in a while,
She'll dismiss your questions.
Every once in awhile,
She'll tell you a lie.

Every once in awhile,
She'll tell you that she's sorry,
And beg for your forgiveness.
Every once in awhile,
she won't tell you the whole story,
Tell you not to ask questions.

She'll ask you to grant her request.

Every once in awhile,
She needs you to say yes.

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