Lovesick Salt Water

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The sound of the rain tonight
There is no beauty in its rhythm.
Natures angry, raging, tantrum,
Leaving puddles of the never were, could have been, and just might's.

The sea of brown turns hazy grey,
Clouded with the regrets of life,
And from my lips comes a lullaby,
The saddest song of the deepest love lost far away.

All this green soaks in this worlds sadness,
Till the sadness is too heavy to hold,
And it drips from the hands of weeping willows,
Leaving glossy, pale, and distorted reflections.

Alone in the eye of the storm of the soul,
Alone with a heart with the tiniest hole.

And the sadnesses falls harder,
The chaotic drumming on this muscle
That now reflects the lights as the water flows,
Seeps into the cracks, fills with lovesick salt water.

Eyes turn black, and hearts get heavy,
When this lovesick salt water starts flowing.

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