The Waiting

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It's when my heart skips a little each time
You comes into view.
When my stomachs fills with butterflies
When I'm talking to you.

It's when I long to learn who you are,
Not just who you portray.
And when I hear you speak your heart,
Even when your afraid.

It's when you tell me about your past,
Who you were, where you've been
When you dream aloud of different paths
You could have walked but never did.

It's when you share with me you memories,
You life's greatest highlights.
when you show me all your scary things
Skeletons in your closets.

It's when you uncover your deepest wounds
Exposing your weaknesses
When you trust me enough that you
Tell me your darkest secrets.

It's when the smile on your face
Makes me long for more,
When your thoughts, you never say,
Your eyes speak unspoken words.

It's when the best things come slowly,
Made sweet with time.
When it's the distance and waiting,
Tolerable due to the prize.

It's when you want what isn't yours,
Nows not the time. Not yet.
But you know it will be, for sure,
Because he said.
Because He promised.

The Only Exception...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن