Between The Trees

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The sweet, gentle breeze,
I hear the sound of the leaves' gentle rustling.
Little white flowers are the only interruption
In the surrounding sea of green.

That leafy canopy overhead
And the path between the trees
I hear it's voice calling me
It draws me in and beckons me

And so I walk between the trees.

Such a beautiful
Sight before me
As I stand in a sandy clearing
At the edge of the path between the trees.

A picture perfect scene
Is that lonely little sand dune
Shaded my three bendy trees.

The Great Huron waters
Is a source of divine tranquility
From the deepest blue
To the lightest teal
Is the fading of the sea.

Perfect, translucent clouds
So wispy in their nature,
Find their rest on the horizon line
At the bottom of the baby blue sky.

Here I lay,
The sun on my skin,
And next to my note book
Lies a heartfelt gift

A smooth black stone
With zebra striped ends.
A sweet gift from the sweetest young girl.
A gift from the garden of Edan.

But now it is time.
Wrap it all up.
Put on the flip-flops.
I take one last look at the sea,
And wave a sad goodbye,
Walking happily back along the path between the trees.

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