According To You

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According to Greek mythology,
Man and woman were created,
With four arms and four legs for walking,
And a head with two faces.

Two as one being.

But out of fear of their strength,
Of their power combined,
Zeus chose to separate
The man and his bride.

Condemning them both for the rest of their lives
To search for their mate,
Of heart, soul, and mind,
Loneliness becoming their inescapable fate.

According to the atheists beliefs,
Man is a byproduct of chance.
An impossible collection of different things
That exploded, never intending to make man.

Man is not special in any way.
From the beast to the master,
Mans just a monkey that changed,
Destined for nothing,
Just life and death, and nothing after.

According to biblical truths,
Man and woman were created.
God made man, and made him to rule,
And made him in His very image.

God gave man power,
He gave him a heart, and a soul.
He made one man, and then made another,
So his creation would not be alone.

God made woman and gave her to man,
And by mans side his woman would stand.

This God did not fear the things He created,
This God's creation was not an accident.

Don't you see?

This God made us to love,
To be loved
And to be in love.

Simply because He loved
The creatures He made.
And so He gave us a partner
To love for always.

True love will come and go,
Loyalty of man will fade away.
May your first love
Be your God above,
And let all others
Come second to one.

There's someone out there
Made just for you.
But never forget,
Who gave them to you.

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