Finding Dad

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Miranda's pov

"How are we gonna get to Nashville?!" I cry, feeling like the dream of meeting my dad is dwindling. "We could hitchhike, I've seen people do it all the time!" Rachel gasps. Sierra's still on the computer. "Wow get this, Miranda." I turn around. "It says, Jason did that. He hitchhiked at 24 to get to Nashville and start his singing career." She turns around wide eyed. "And also, check out this video." She clicks play. "It says here you do have a daughter." The interviewer says. Dad's eyes go wide and he nods slowly. "Why don't we ever see her?" He stares at his lap. "Her mother won't let me even see her.... I haven't..... Seen her since the day she was born." "And how do you feel about that?" "It pisses me off. I would love to find her, see what she's like now." My eyes go wide. I back up and drop my music box. He wants to meet me as bad as I want to meet him! Both girls look at me with identical smiles. "Let's go!"

*4 days later*

We were thumbing for a ride in Knoxville. We've almost reached Nashville. "How are we gonna find him when we get there?" I mumble, glancing at a map of Nashville. A blue pick up truck parks beside us. A girl with long blonde hair sits there. "Need a ride?" She asks. I nod. "Nashville ma'am?" "Headin' that way myself. Aren't you guys a little young to be walking around on your own?" Sierra smirks. "Aren't you a little too pretty to be asking such questions?" I try to hide my laughs. Suck up. The woman smiles. "You're alright kid. Get in." We get in. "What's your name, ma'am?" I ask. "Miranda, Miranda Lambert." She says. My eyes go wide. "Whoa! My name's Miranda!" She smiles. "I like your spunk." We get to Nashville. It's a long shot but I'm gonna ask anyway. "Do you know where I can find Jason Aldean?" I ask. She bites her lip. "I'm not supposed to give out that information to fans." She says, looking away. "I'm..... I'm not a fan." I shakily say.

Miranda L's pov

"I'm his daughter." My eyes go wide. "Really? How do I know you're not just a fan?" She pulls out a music box. "I found this on my fifteenth birthday." Oh my God! "I have to call him!" I gasp to myself. Her eyes go wide. "No wait! I want to surprise him!" She says, quickly. I smile and lower my phone. "I think I can help you." I say, stepping out. She smiles really big and hugs me tight. "Thank you! All I ever wanted was to know my daddy." I pat her head. "You will."

Miranda's pov

*2 days later*

I can't believe it. I'm actually gonna meet my dad! Mrs. Lambert says he's about to go onstage at a concert. She walks in ahead of me. I open the door a crack and see him. The man from the video. He puts a guitar on. She was talking to him but I couldn't hear what she was saying.

Jason's pov

"Ok I gotta go on. Can we wait til after the show?" "No we can't." She turns around and waves her hand. The door opens and I drop my guitar in shock. "Dad?" "Wow, i-it's really you. Wait... Does your mom know where you are?" "No. But I don't care! She lied to me my whole life... I had to come... I had to!" I'm so shocked to see her here. "I missed you so much!" I gasp, hugging her. She starts crying. I can't believe I have my daughter back! I turn back to Miranda Lambert. "Tell 'em the show's cancelled, me and my little girl have a lot of catching up to do."

Miranda's pov

I'm so shocked but glad. He puts a hand on my shoulder as Miranda goes out to tell them. "I'll be right back hun." He says, patting my head and grabbing his guitar. He goes out onstage. "I know most of you know, I have a daughter... Well, my good friend, Mrs. Miranda Lambert has brought her back to me." He turns back to me and waves for me to come onstage. But there's so many people. I back up slightly and shake my head. Rachel and Sierra grab my hands. "You can do this." Sierra says. Tears come to my eyes. My legs feel like jello. "We've got your back, girl." I hug them both. "You're the best friends a girl could ever have." I shakily walk out onto the stage and stand beside dad. He puts a hand on my shoulder again. "Everyone please welcome my daughter, Miranda Aldean." I look at all the fans, beyond shocked at all the people who came to see my dad.

Jason's pov

This is the second happiest day of my life. My first was the day she was born and I held her for a second. Before she was snatched away for fifteen years. Jessica is gonna be pissed off when she finds out but I don't care. I have my little girl back for at least a little bit. "Daddy?" She says, looking up at me. "What is it, sweetheart?" She hugs me. "I'm home." I fight back the tears and fall to my knees beside her. "Yes, baby girl, you're home."

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