A Not So Happy Visit

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Jason's pov

I wake up the next day hearing Miranda singing. "Alyssa lies to the classroom, Alyssa lies to the teacher, Alyssa lies to everyone at school." I walk to her room. The door's open a crack and she stands by her window singing the song. "Alyssa doesn't lie to the classroom, Alyssa doesn't lie to everyone at school..." Wow what an eerie song. She's already ready for school. "Sweetheart, you okay?" She jumps slightly. I smile. "Oh hey dad." She's still got a black eye. I hate it. I push the door open. "Why don't you stay home from school for a few days." A tear falls from her eye. "I'd love that. I so don't wanna go back." I hug her. "I know ya don't. I'm sorry hun."


I head to the studio with Miranda and Mike says he's got a new tour set up for me. I smile. "You're comin' with me princess." She smiles. "Can I sing with you?" "If you want to." "Oh I forgot." Mike says. He walks into the other room and comes back with a CD and hands it to her. "What's this?" She asks. "Your recordings from the other day." Her eyes go wide. "Cool!" I smile and we get in my truck. "Ya wanna listen to it?" "You bet!" She puts it in the CD player and apparently the songs I heard her sing weren't the only ones. "Well I was baptized at the baptist church and my old man taught me bout a hard day's work, I learned how to love, learned how to fight." This song makes me wonder again who the man in the video is. Who did she consider her "old man" before she knew me? We get home. I put the video in from the other night. "Hey hun, who is that?" I ask, pointing. She looks at the screen and her eyes go wide. "Grandpa." She whispers. Oh crud, obviously by that reaction he must've passed away. I didn't know Jessica's dad died! She wipes her eyes. "That was..... Danny's daddy." Danny? "Who's Danny?" "Mama's boyfriend." My hands tense up. "She..... Has.... A boyfriend?" She stares at her lap. "Yeah he's cool, he's a firefighter. But Grandpa passed away last year of a stroke." My God! She's got a boyfriend! Why didn't she tell me!? "Where'd you get these?" "Your mom gave 'em to me." I take it out and toss it back in the box. They've been dating since she was two. Why aren't they married yet? "Did you consider Danny your dad before we reconnected?" "No. I knew he wasn't my dad." But how? "Mama told me he wasn't." I wonder why! I need to stop thinking about this. It's giving me a headache.


Miranda's pov

Dad's been drinking since he found out about Danny. I don't care about Danny. I love my dad! "Daddy, you're not jealous of Danny are you?" He lowers the beer bottle. "No, why would I be jealous?" "I don't know, you just are acting strange." He raises an eyebrow. "I am?" I nod. Just then mom's car pulls up. Huh? What's she doing here? He glances out the window and sees her car. "Crap, she's gonna have my head if she catches me drunk." He mutters frustrated. "I'll deal with it dad." He smiles and pats my head. "That's my girl." Then he goes to his room. I open the door and walk outside. Sierra and Rachel get out! My eyes go wide and I run to my friends and hiug them tight! "Oh I missed you guys so much!" I cry. Then mom and Danny get out. "Where's your dad, hun?" Danny asks. I wish he wouldn't call me that. Dad calls me nicknames like that not him. "He's sleeping. He's tired from recording in the studio." "Well we need to talk to him." Crap!! "You can't right now. He's resting!" Sierra and Rachel look at me funny. They know something is up. "Go get him up." Mom says. I sigh and go inside.

Jason's pov

"Dad, mom wants to talk to you! I don't know what to do!" Crap. She's gonna find out I've been drinking. I put my cowboy hat on. I'll try to hide it with the hat covering my face. "I'm comin' sweetheart." I call. This isn't gonna work. She's gonna find out instantly. Damn this headache is only making it worse. I walk out to the front yard where they are. Along with two girls! Who are they? "Oh uh dad, these are my friends Rachel and Sierra." The girls go inside to hang out while us adults talk. "I heard from someone you're going for full custody?" Crud. "Yeah." "You won't win, Jason." "I don't have to win shit Jessica. It's her choice." I gripe, frustrated. "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend!?" She glances at the guy who I'm guessing is Danny. "He's not my boyfriend!" Huh? "But she said-" "He's my husband. We've been married for almost two years now!" So she's married?! I don't know why it infuriates me! "And you let me hit on you! You didn't try to stop me!" I shout. "Oh jeez. Danny go check on the girls. Me and Jason are gonna talk privately." She says, giving me the death glare. "You ain't goin' in my house!" I snap, blocking the door. But Jessica grabs my shirt, forcing me to come with her. I glare at the jerk as he walks into MY house with MY daughter! "Jason, you're drunk!!" Crap. "Yeah so. What's it to ya?" "You shouldn't get drunk with your daughter in the house!" "She's fifteen! She's perfectly capable of taking care of herself!" "You are such an idiot!" "Screw you! You live life your way and I'll live it mine!" I gripe furiously walking back to my house. "Whatever your name is get the hell outta my house!" He luckily leaves without a problem. I'm so pissed and hungover. "Miranda?" I call. I hear her door opening while I sit on the couch. "What is it?" "What's happenin'? Are your friends staying or what?" "If it's okay with you?" "Of course it is, just keep it down, I've got a headache." "Ok thanks dad!" We hug then she runs to her room again. In gonna have real trouble getting full custody from Jessica.

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