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Jason's pov

I wake up hearing a knock on my bedroom door. I glance at the clock. 7 AM?! Why is she up at 7 AM? "What is it hun?" I call through the door. "It's mom!" Oh crap! I quickly get dressed and open the door. I don't know what to do?! I hear her cussing my name at the front door. "What do we do?! I don't want to go with her!" "I.... I... I'll think of something sweetheart, just wait in your room." She goes to her room and I go to the front door. I've never seen Jessica so mad. "Oh Jessica, what a nice surprise. What brings you to Nashville?" "You know damn well what I'm doing here! Where's Miranda?!" "What? My daughter, my little girl that you lied to her about me, you kept her from me for almost sixteen years! I have every right to see her!" "She doesn't want to see you!" I laugh at that. "You don't know anything about that girl. She went looking for me. She found me and said she wanted to stay with me. She doesn't want you instead, Jessica." "You're a liar! You probably won't let her!" "Says the woman who kept her from her father her whole life. I can't believe you told her I ran out on her. You snatched her away from me." She forces her way in. "Get out of my house." "Not without Miranda." I glare at her. I don't have to put up with this bullshit. "Honey, get your shoes on, we're staying at Uncle Luke's." Silence. Huh? "Sweetheart, you okay?" Still silence. I walk to her bedroom door and try to open it but it's locked. "Baby girl, open the door." "Don't let her take me, daddy!" It makes me wanna cry hearing her say that. Jessica must have treated her like crap. "Please open the door, hun. It's just daddy, I promise, I won't let her take you." I hear the lock click and I open the door. She sits on the floor, crying. "You don't have to go with her if you don't want to. You're old enough now to make your own choices." "Really? Cause I wanna stay here." "You have to tell her that." "I don't wanna." I sigh and sit beside her. "I know ya don't but you have to." I hug her tight and she cries. "Jason get your ass back out here!!" Her hands tense up. "It's alright hun." I walk back out in the living room where she still is, hands clenched in fists at her sides, the angriest stare I've ever seen on her. Even angrier than when we broke up all those years ago.


"You don't even care! You don't care about me or our little girl!" By then she was six months pregnant. "I do care! I'm just busy!" "You're too busy to do anything that has to do with your family. You've missed every appointment! Luke came with me!" "Ok look I'm sorry, my career is just taking off. I have a lot to do before my first tour. I do care baby, I care and I love you and our little girl." "I don't believe you Jason." How can I make her believe me?! Whatever. It's the truth.

*the next day*

I get home from the studio and find a note by the window with the curtains blowing in the breeze. I pick it up. Jason, it's obvious your career is more important than your family, I warned you it was coming and said if you didn't change I was out of here. Do not try to find me. It's over.

~flashback over~

It didn't hurt too bad that I lost Jessica. It hurt that I lost my daughter. It killed me. I stood in that room for hours in total shock and horror. I put my career before my family and lost it all. I missed my girl growing up, her first steps, her first word, everything. I take a deep breath. "Jessica, I regret every day of my life losing you both. I want to be a father to my daughter. I will not put my career first ever again. Please give me the chance I blew fifteen years ago!" "You really mean it? You have changed?" I nod. "Where is she now?" "In her room. I didn't want her to see us fight." "Ok, you can be in her life." Tears hint at my eyes but I fight them back. "Thanks Jessica." I hug her and walk quickly back to Miranda's room. I knock on the door again. "Baby girl, mom says you can stay." But again like before it's quiet.

Miranda's pov

I run down the street, my face red from crying. My life is in shambles. Mom won't let me stay with dad and dad will never give up. I don't want to go with mom! I sit down on a bench you sit on when waiting for the bus. I look at my phone at the picture of me and daddy after karaoke the other night. Tears fall down and land on my phone. "I love you daddy, I'm sorry."

Jason's pov

My hand falls to my side in fear. She's gone! The window wide open. She ran away! Nashville is very dangerous for a kid her age! I have to find her! I run back out and tell Jessica. "How are you gonna find her in this city?!" She cries. I turn back around looking her right in the eye. "Because she's my daughter and I won't stop looking for her until she's back in my arms, safe and sound." Jessica is crying now. I hug her tight. "Don't you worry. I'll get her back home. Nothing will happen to her." Before she can even say a word, I run out the door, my phone in hand, Luke's number on speed dial. He picks up on the third ring. "Dude this better be important. I was just about to-" "It is important Luke. Jessica showed up pissed and we were fighting and while we were fighting Miranda ran off. Night is falling. We have to find her and I need your help and anyone else you can get." "Oh jeez Jason, I've got your back man. I'll bring an army." I can't help but smile even in our situation. He's bringing an army. An Aldean Army.

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