Made A Decision

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Miranda's pov

"James!" I call. He turns around wide eyed, his hands in his pockets. "Miranda?" He gapes confused. I run into his arms and kiss him on the lips. His arms wrap around me. "Dad said you could come on tour with us!" His eyes go wide. "Really? I don't have to lose my girl?" "No." We kiss again.

Jason's pov

Man, she's all over that guy which is weird.

*later that night*

I was still up working on the set list for tomorrow when we get to our next stop which is Chicago. I hear footsteps. I take my headphones out and see my daughter. She rubs her eye, tiredly. I smile. "Couldn't sleep either, baby girl?" I ask. She shakes her head. "You aren't mad that I found a boyfriend?" I pat the couch beside me and she sits down. "Sweetheart, you look at that boy like I used to look at your mother." Her eyes go wide. "Dad, do you still love mama?" "You could say that but it's too late. She's married now. And anyway I've got Kelly." She smiles. "I like Kelly." "Me too hun." She glances at my guitar. "Hey dad can you teach me to play guitar?" "I would love to do that."

*the next day*

"And your fingers go here when doing a G chord." She puts her fingers where they should go. "Like this?" "Perfect, sweetheart." I say, smiling. Kelly walks out yawning. "Hey baby, you slept like a rock today." I tease. She laughs and pats down her hair which was sticking up all over the place. "Shut up cowboy." I laugh and sling an arm around her waist. We get to Chicago and I head backstage. "You come out right after me and Cole finish singing the only way I know." I tell Kelly, putting my earpiece in my ear. "Hey dad can I sing a song?" "Really? With your stage fright?" I ask, teasingly. She nods and holds up my guitar. "Alright after me and Kellys duet." I say, ruffling her hair.

*later that night*

Miranda's pov

Dad and Kelly were singing the duet and me and James were dancing to it. "And now we have a special surprise for y'all." "Oh that's my cue." I say, grabbing the guitar. "My beautiful and talented daughter, Miranda Aldean is gonna sing ya a song." I smile and grip the guitar tight and walk out. I'm gonna sing Kacey Musgrave's song merry go round. Dad gives me a proud smile and I walk up to the mic. "If you ain't got two kids by 21, you're probably gonna die alone, at least that's what tradition told you. And it don't matter if you don't believe, come Sunday morning, you best be there in the front row like you're supposed to." I glance back at James. "You're doing great." He mouths. I go into the chorus. "Cause mama's hooked on Mary Kay, brother's hooked on Mary Jane, daddy's hooked on Mary two doors down. Mary Mary quite contrary, we get bored so we get married and just like dust, we settle in this town, on this broken merry go round and round and round we go where it stops nobody knows, and it ain't slowin' down." My legs feel shaky. "You're doing great." Dad mouths giving me a thumbs up. My voice gets shaky though. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and sing. "Jack and Jill went up the hill, Jack fell out on booze and pills. Mary had a little lamb, Mary just don't give a damn no more." The crowd cheers loudly for me. I let out the breath I've been holding and lower the guitar. Dad walks over. He grabs the mic. "Give it up for Miranda Aldean! Isn't she great?" He says, making me blush. He ruffles my hair. "That's my girl." He says. I hug him. "I love you dad!" "I love you too sweetheart, so much."

Jason's pov

We get back to the buses and Miranda puts the guitar back up. "You did great out there hun." She smiles and goes to her bunk. "Dad, can we talk?" "Of course, what's up?" I lean against the wall in front of her bunk. "I've made my decision." My eyes go wide. "You have? Well, what'd you decide on?" She looks up from her hands.

Miranda's pov

I bite my lip. "Please don't be mad. I love you and I love being on tour with you but I wanna go back to Macon. I miss my old school, and seeing my friends everyday and I don't want to go to that other school." "I'm not mad. Just, I won't be able to see you as much. I'll be in Nashville, you'll be in Georgia." "I'm sorry dad." "It's alright hun. I guess after the tour, I'll take you back to Georgia." "I know you're upset." I mumble, fighting back tears.

Jason's pov

I am upset but I don't want her to think I'm mad at her. "I'm not mad at you. I promise." I hug her and she lays down. I go back to my room where Kelly was. She sees the upset look on my face and asks what's wrong. I sit on the bed after grabbing a beer. "She... Wants to go back to Macon after the tour." I murmur, crossing my hands on my chest. "What why?!" She gapes. "I don't know! I've done everything I could think of to be a great dad and to make up for not being there but she still doesn't want to stay."

Miranda's pov

I sigh sadly. I feel horrible. I get out of bed and knock on his door. "Dad, I'm sorry, I changed my mind!" He opens the door. "What?" "I changed my mind. I wanna stay here." "I hope you didn't hear what I just said." He mumbles, covering his eyes. I bite my lip. I did hear what he said. "Sweetheart, I love you and that won't change even if you go back home to Georgia. Just do what your heart's telling you. And know that I'll always be there for you. If you call me, I'll drive from Nashville to Georgia. Don't ever get to old to call your old man." Tears come to my eyes. "Oh Dad! I love you!" I gasp, hugging him and crying on his shoulder. "It's okay, hun. You don't have to be sad. This is a good thing." He smiles but I know he's upset. "I'll never be too old to call my dad."

*after the tour*

Jason's pov

I park in front of Jessica's house. "I'll be back to pick you up next week." I say, waving. "Thanks dad, I had a great time touring." "And I don't care if you're eighty you'll always be my baby." She waves and grabs her bag then runs inside. I drive back to Nashville missing my little girl already. I set down my guitar case and turn on the light. My phone buzzes. Miranda sent me a picture. A selfie of her and James. "As long as he treats her right." I whisper, taking my ball cap off and going to bed.

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