Tourin' Life

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Miranda's pov

Dad just grounded me from my phone and going anywhere til the tour takes off. Today we're going on tour and he let Sierra and Rachel come with us. I smile excitedly and hug them both. "Ok girls, ready?" Dad asks. I nod and we put our bags on his bus. He smiles in the doorway. "This is gonna be the funnest four months of y'alls young lives." He says, smiling with his hands on his hips. I roll my eyes. "You look funny!" I say laughing. He laughs too. "Ok kiddo, let's hit the road."

*a few days later*

Dad was singing Dirt Road Anthem onstage. Me and the girls were rocking the front row. Daddy plays she loved me and a boy about my age taps my shoulder. I smile at him. "Hey I'm James." He shouts over the loud music. I laugh and tell him my name. Me and James dance to the music. Man my dad is talented. I see Sierra dancing with a blonde boy and Rachel dancing with a red head. "How about we go somewhere quieter." James says. "I uh..." I'm a little freaked after what happened with Jimmy. "I think I should stay where my dad can see me." I say, turning my attention back to the stage. Dad winks at me and I know I made the right decision.

*later that night*

I was relaxing on the bunk when dad walks by, resting his arms on the bed and his chin on his arms. "You were talkin' to a boy today?" He semi asks. I blush and look away. "Yeah, we were just talkin' and dancing." I say. "Just warning you, don't make relationships on the road, they won't last since we're leaving town tomorrow." I sigh and nod. "I never wanted to anyway, not after the other day with Jimmy, it really freaked me out." "Yeah, you shouldn't have been hangin' with a twenty year old anyway." He says, pointing. I laugh and fiddle with my shirt. "He was nineteen for starters." He rolls his eyes. "Whatever." I lay down and he tucks me in and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart." "Goodnight dad."

*the next day*

I was taking one more look around at Yellow national amphitheater, the magic that happened here. I know what dad says but me and James made a real connection. "Miranda!" I turn around, seeing the dark haired freckle faced kid. He walks over. "Hey James. Good to see you again, I'm heading out." I say. He sighs and glances at the bus. "I know. I wish you weren't. I really like you." He holds my hand. "I really like you too." I mumble, staring into his eyes. "We might not see each other again so...." He stops and kisses me. My eyes go wide in shock but then gently flutter closed. It's nothing like when Jimmy forced me to kiss him. This feels nice. My hands rest on his shoulders.

Jason's pov

When I'm on tour, I usually hold a toothpick in my mouth when I'm not onstage. "Hey girls, have you seen Miranda?" I ask Rachel and Sierra. They shake their heads. Hm, I hope she's not getting into trouble again. I walk off the bus and see a couple kissing in the distance. I wonder if they've seen..... Holy! That's Miranda!? What's going on!? The toothpick snaps in between my teeth. I stomp over to them but tamper down my anger when I get there.

Miranda's pov

"Ahem." Crap! I spin around. "D-Dad." I gasp, my heart racing. "Sweetheart, it's time to go." I glance back at James. He looks sad. I don't know if this is love but I really don't want to leave. "Daddy, this is James, I met him at the show last night." I stumblingly say. "Yeah he sure has met you. Come on." He says, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me away. "Sorry." I mouth. We go back to the bus, my face flushed with embarassment. "Oh my God! Dad! That was so embarassing!" He glances out the window. "I told you not to do that." "I can't help it. I didn't mean to, I just.... There's something.... Different about him." I whisper, dreamily.

Jason's pov

I look at her surprised. "Baby girl.... Are you.... In love with this boy?" She looks at the ground. "I... I don't know. But when we kiss, it feels so right." She says, staring at her shoes. I bite my lip, knowing I'll regret this later. I open the door. "Go get him." I say, smiling. Her head snaps up, shocked. "You mean it?" I nod and cross my arms. "You only live once." I say, shrugging. She runs and hugs me. "Oh thank you daddy! You're the best!" I hug her tight. She's growing up too fast. I wanna hold onto her forever. Get back all the time I missed. "Just promise me one thing baby girl." I say, putting a hand on her cheek. "Anything." She whispers, a tear falling down. I wipe it away. "Stay my little girl for a few more years." She hugs me again. "I'll always be your little girl. I may find a boyfriend but you'll always be my favorite guy in the world." I fight back tears myself. "Alright go get that boy." I say, patting her back. She jumps down the steps and runs to him. I can't hear what they're saying from all the way over here. Kelly puts a hand on my shoulder. "That was hard for you, wasn't it?" I nod, staring at the little girl that grew up too fast and without her father. "I wish I could go back in time and be there through her whole life. I missed it all, Kell." She lays her head on my shoulder. "That girl loves you, Jason. And all that matters is you're here for her now." I smile seeing Miranda hug him. "You did good, Jason." I didn't do good. Jessica did. Which means I can't and won't lie like the lawyer said I should do. It isn't right. I'll win custody fair and square or I won't win it at all. And if I don't, I'll visit every chance I can. I'll even move back home so I can be closer. Screw Nashville. My family comes first. And I love that little girl with all my heart.

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