A Bully

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Miranda's pov

I glance back at dad nervously. "I don't know if I can do this dad." I mumble worriedly. "You'll be fine." He waves and drives away and I walk into the new school. I find my first class and while the teacher talks, I message Rachel.

M: I miss you guys.

R: we miss you too. How's being the daughter of a famous country music superstar?

M: *sighs* I like being with dad but I miss Georgia and you guys and dare I say mom.

R: homesick?

M: yeah

I'm bummed. "Hey Newb you're in my seat." A girl standing over me growls. Oh jeez. I quickly stand up. "Sorry, here." I say, picking up my stuff. "Leave it!" She snaps. "Huh? What do you mean? That's my stuff!" She smirks. "Not anymore it ain't!" She growls, grabbing my bag! She shoves me out the door as her little crew laughs. I smash into the lockers, crying. Dad's music box is in there and grandma's locket is also in there. She digs through it, coming across the locket. She eyes it. "I'm not 100% heartless." She mutters and chucks it at me. I jump for it and clasp it tightly in my shaking hands. Thank God! But what about Dad's music box. "Please could I have my daddy's music box too?" I whimper, quietly. She walks away with my dad's stuff!!

Jason's pov

Miranda runs in the house crying. She runs to her room and slams her door! "Hun? What happened?!" I cry, opening her door. She's crying into her pants legs. I sit beside her. "Sweetheart what happened?" "I'm never going to school ever again!" She shouts. I notice her bag she had this morning is gone. "What happened?" I repeat. "This jerk bully stole my bag... And my music box was in that bag!" Someone bullied my daughter! "I'm going down to the school tomorrow. We'll get your stuff back. Nobody is gonna bully my little girl."

*the next day*

Miranda's pov

I stay close to dad as he walks into the office. "Can I help you, sir?" "Damn right, you can help me. I was told yesterday that someone stole my daughter's stuff. I wanna get it back." "Who stole it sir?" They both look at me. "Oh uh.... I heard someone call her Claire but I don't have a last name." I squeak. "It was her first day yesterday." Dad explains, putting a hand protectively on my shoulder. I force a smile. His phone goes off.

Jason's pov

That damn bully is playing Miranda's music box. I'm starting to lose my patience. The lady is still typing on a computer. I don't have time for this. "Sweetheart, what's your first class?" "Intro to biology." We walk down there and I see a blonde girl holding it and laughing. "I'm guessing that's her?" I half ask. Miranda nods. "I'll get your stuff back." "Thanks Dad." I walk over and clear my throat. The girl turns around. "What do ya want old man?" Old man?! Did she just call me an old man?! I take a deep breath to calm myself. "You have something that belongs to my daughter." I try to keep my voice calm but I'm thoroughly pissed off now. She laughs. "Finders keepers." "You didn't find it! You stole it from her! I'm not the kinda guy to pick a fight with!!" "Me either gramps, so you better be on your way." My eye twitches in fury. She just called me gramps. This is not gonna end well. I grab the girl's shirt. "Listen here little girl, if I ever find out you've dome anything to my daughter again, I'll make your nightmares seem like a happy place, got it?!" The teasing is replaced by fear. Good. "Now hand over the music box!" She shakily drops it in my hand. "Leave her alone." I snap, pointing at Miranda. She nods and me and Miranda walk out of the room. "Oh my gosh! Dad that was awesome!" She cries. I smile and hand her stuff back to her. "Nobody messes with my little girl." She hugs me so do I. "You're the best!" I love being a dad. "No baby girl, you're the best."

Miranda's pov

Dad goes home and I go back to class, feeling confident again. Claire gives me devil eyes. I just ignore her, clutching the music box tightly and proudly.

*after class*

"You told your daddy on me?!" She growls, shoving me against the lockers. Crap! "Leave me alone, my daddy will have your head!" I shout. She smirks. "I'm not afraid of your dad." She says, shoving me to the ground and kicking me in the gut multiple times and punching me in the face. "And if you tell your daddy again, it'll be way worse." She hisses in my face. I'm so scared.

*after school*

I shakily put my shades on to hide my black eye. I walk inside and dad smiles. "Hey sweetheart." I force a smile. "Hey dad, thanks for getting my stuff back today." "No problem. Your mom is coming over for dinner tonight." I stop short surprised. "Why?" I ask, setting my bag down. "To discuss custody." I'm scared. Mom's got a rule. No sunglasses, hats, or phones at the dinner table. What am I gonna do about my eye?!


Mom gets here and I hug her. Dad made a spaghetti dinner and I made garlic bread. He smiles and ruffles my hair. "Shall we?" He asks. Mom nods and dad pulls the chair out for her. I smile watching the two. "Miranda you know my rule." Mom says, sending fear through me. "Your rules are for your house. She can wear sunglasses if she wants to." Dad says. "At the table it's rude!" Mom gripes. They both glare at each other. They're fighting because of me again.

Jason's pov

Jessica kicks me under the table. I grit my teeth and bite back a rude response. I'll go with her rule tonight but regularly I see nothing wrong with her wearing sunglasses. "Sweetheart, just take the sunglasses off for tonight." "I can't!" "Why not?" Jess beats me to it. "I just.... I can't.... It's a secret." Ok what is going on here? Obviously nothing good. Jessica stands up. "Take them off right now." "But mom-" "I don't want to hear it young lady, you're being very rude!" No she's not! Something happened! But what? She grips the shades. "Ok but don't freak out." She says, biting her lip. Don't freak out? What's she talking about? She takes them off and my eyes go wide. She's got a black eye! "Jason!! You didn't-" "No! I didn't! Who did this?!" "I can't tell you! She'll make it worse! She said so!" The same bitch that took her stuff. "Was it that chick that took your stuff the first day?" She nods. I knew it. Dammit. I can't get in a fight with that kid though. She's a minor! What can I do? "Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me when you came home?" "She said she'd beat me up if I told!" She starts crying and I hug her. "Don't worry honey. I'll figure out what to do about her. I won't let her bully you."


Jessica hands me a bag full of tapes. "What's this?" "All her baby videos. Up to her tenth birthday. After that she thought it was uncool for me to record her." I force a smile. I'm still pissed off that Miranda got a black eye. "Thanks Jessica. Maybe we can watch them before bed." She leaves and I glance at the couch, seeing Miranda already asleep. I smile and put a tape in then sit beside her. I click play and in her sleep, she lays her head on my lap. I put my hand on her head. "I'll figure this stuff out." I whisper. I turn my attention back to the TV screen. I see her as a two year old, gripping onto someone's leg, trying to walk to Jessica. I'm so glad she recorded all this stuff so I can see it. But who's leg is she holding onto. It's a guy. Who is that?!

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