A Wedding In My Own Backyard

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Miranda's pov

I stare at myself in the mirror, wearing a wedding dress that I love. I'm about to get married to the man I love but something is missing. No. Someone. No. 2 someones. I cover my eyes as tears fall. I love James with everything I've got and I do want to marry him it's just..... My best friends should be here. They'd be helping me get ready and telling me not to worry. They'd be freaking out and I know they'd be all about it. They were the best friends a girl could ever ask for. They helped me find dad! They helped fix my family and bring little Brayden into the world. It shouldn't be like this! They shouldn't be gone. I hear knocking. I look through the mirror at my door. Dad. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asks, walking over, concerned. I sigh and wipe my eyes. "Sierra and Rachel should be here with me to celebrate too. It.... It doesn't feel like a celebration without them." He hugs me and I cry into his chest. "They will be here baby girl. They will." He whispers. I look up at him and he wipes the tears from my eyes. "I just want to say. You look absolutely beautiful and I'm very proud of you." "I love you dad." I say, hugging him.

*a little bit later*

Jason's pov

Ugh, it seems like just yesterday we reunited when she was just fifteen. Now at the age of 26 she's getting married. Jessica handed Brayden to me and hugged her tightly. She's still upset about Sierra and Rachel. I wish there was something I could do... Anything to make this easier for her. I hand Brayden back to Jess and hug my daughter. "You found the half that made you whole way sooner than I expected." I say. She glances toward the altar which is set up near my barn. We're having a country themed outdoor wedding because she loves the country. She's also following in her daddy's footsteps of wanting to become a singer. "But don't you forget you'll always be my little girl." "I will never forget that dad. I love you with everything I've got." I smile and hug her tight, trying not to cry myself. She takes my arm and I walk her down the aisle to her fiancé. Today is hard for her because of her friends not being here. Today is hard for me and Jess because we have to let go of her. She's grown up. Way too fast. I kiss her forehead and hug her one last time. Then I find my seat beside Jessica.

Miranda's pov

The preacher says what he needs to say. Then it's time for vows. My Aunt Kasi gives them to me but it should be either Sierra or Rachel. Thinking about that, they'd probably have fought for the position. I take them and look out at the crowd, my eyes landing on my parents and baby brother. They are both smiling. Brayden is half asleep. I smile. Then I look out at the whole crowd. Standing at the back of it, two girls with red hair and freckles and holding hands who I recognize instantly as my best friends stand. They smile back at me. "I love you." I whisper. Then I turn my attention back to James. I smile big seeing him smiling back at me. A tear slides down my cheek. "I'm so happy we met. I love you so much and you make me so happy. I could meet a million men but none will ever be anywhere near as perfect as you. You make me so glad to be alive. Thank you." I say, then take a shaky deep breath. "I'd also like to thank my dad. Without him, I'd never have met the man that makes me feel complete. My best friends Rachel and Sierra. Without them, I never would've found my father. That was the best day of my life. Meeting him for the first time. Until now. I love you James and I'm so glad we met." He's got tears in his eyes too! He gets his vows from his brother. "I have never felt more complete than when I'm with you. Miranda without you, the world might as well stop spinning. There's nothing left for it to spin for. And I know this might sound a little cheesy and it's from a Brad Paisely song but it's how I truly feel about my favorite girl in the whole world. I can just see you with a baby on the way. I can just see you with your hair turning gray. What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more but I've said that before." Tears come to my eyes. "Now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world, I just can't believe the way I feel about you girl! Like the river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been we've come so far since that day and I thought I loved you then." "Oh James!" I gasp, my voice and hands shaking. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." He grabs my face in his hands and kisses me passionately. "Presenting Mr. And Mrs. James Peters."


Jason's pov

It's time for the father daughter dance. She stands in the middle of the dance floor in that beautiful white dress with her long brown hair tied up fancy. Everything falls silent as I walk over to my little girl. The only sound is my shoes on the hard wood of my barn floor. It's so quiet you can hear a pin drop. I gulp and hold her hands. "You're all grown up now princess." I whisper, getting choked up as they play her favorite song. Eric Church's Mr. Misunderstood. We dance to that for a while and when it goes over, everyone claps. I pat her head and James comes to dance with her. I sit beside Jessica with Brayden fast asleep in her arms. "You did great, Jason." I smile and hold her hand. "WE baby. We did great. I love you." "I love you too." I kiss her gently and watch Miranda and James dance as husband and wife. My little girl is married.

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