Too Much!

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Miranda's pov

*a few months later*

Ugh college is weighing me down. I'm so stressed. James massages my shoulders while I study for a test. "This is so hard." I mumble, close to tears, overwhelmed. "We should just stop thinking about it and go to bed." He says. "I can't. I have to study. I have to pass this test." My eyes go wide. I don't have to do any of this. I'm going into singing instead. I stand up and turn around. "You okay baby?" He asks, worried. I smile and kiss him. "I'm fine." I whisper, our foreheads touching. "And.... I'm going home. I can't do this." He smiles. "I was wondering when you'd figure that out." He says, patting my head.

Jason's pov

I help Jess lay down since she's having a hard time getting around. My phone rings. I answer it. "Dad?" "Hey hun, how's college?" "I'm not doing it anymore. I'm coming home." I'm a little shocked. She was so excited to go! "What's wrong?" Jess asks. "Miranda's quitting college." I say, lowering the phone. She's just as surprised. I hear her calling me. I put the phone back to my ear. "I wanna be a singer like you dad." "Y-Yeah baby girl, you'd be a great singer. The next Carrie Underwood." "Alright, it'll probably take us a few days to get home. Love you dad." "Love you too, princess."

Miranda's pov

James puts the bags in the truck. "Ready to go?" He asks. I nod and grab my purse, a picture falling out. I pick it up and my hands start to shake as tears fill my eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" He gasps, running over. Then he sees the photograph. The girls. The twins. Rachel and Sierra. My best friends. The picture falls from my hand. "Don't think about them. It's only gonna break you down even worse." I sigh and pocket the photo. I haven't seen them since they went to live with Willie. I want to go up there though. For some reason whenever I asked, dad always said that we couldn't go for whatever reason. I'll call him and tell him we're making a pit stop in Kansas. I grab my phone and call him back.

Jason's pov

"Hey dad, we'll be a few more days late. I'm gonna make a pit stop in Kansas to see the girls." My eyes go wide. "No! You can't!" I gasp, quickly, worriedly. "Why not? I haven't seen them in almost five years!" Ugh. I shoulda told her when it happened. I just couldn't break it to her. "Baby girl, just come home and we'll talk. Don't go to Kansas. You won't like what you find." "What's going on dad?" "Just.... Don't go! I'll explain everything when you get here." "I'm going. I wanna hang out with my friends before I go." Then she hangs up. Shit! I scrunch my eyes in worry. What do I do when she finds out?! "You shoulda told her years ago?" Jessica says. "How could I? How could I tell my daughter her best friends are dead?! How am I gonna tell her now?!" I sit back down beside her. "You have to go get her Jason." "I can't leave you. The baby's due now any day! I'm completely torn!" "Go get her. If something happens, my sister is just down the street." "Willie is there. He'll take care of it." "It isn't his job to take care of our little girl. It's ours." I sigh. She's right. "I better get going. Love you baby." "Love you too."

Miranda's pov

I knock on the farmhouse. But there's no answer. I hear sawing in the barn. "Willie?" I call. James and I walk to the barn where Willie is sawing a plank of wood. He takes off the safety goggles. "Miranda? What are you doing here?" "I was driving home to see mom and dad and thought I'd make a pit stop to see Rachel and Sierra." His eyes go wide. "Where are they?" "Jas- I mean your dad never told you?" "Never told me what?" Dad runs through the barn door. "You never told her?" Willie gapes. I turn around, confused. "I didn't know how to." Dad says, running his hands through his hair. "Tell me what?" I ask, looking back at Willie. Dad sighs. "Sweetheart, we have to talk." He says. I walk over to him and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come on." We take a walk further out into the farm. "What is it?" I ask. "Your friends...... They're dead." I stop walking, my body freezing up. "W-What?" I choke out. "They were on a drive to the store with Willie when the car flipped.... They.... They didn't make it. I just didn't have the heart to tell you." "When?" "2 years ago." I shakily back up, my body shaking with sobs. "Baby girl, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I wasn't sure how to." "So you lied to me?!" "I... I didn't lie!" "Yes you did!" "I'm sorry!" "My friends are dead!" I scream. He tries to say something else but I run away. I trip over something hard and hit my knees in scream sobs.

Jason's pov

I should've told her. I should've told her and I didn't. Why didn't I tell her?? I couldn't! Now she's running out who knows where! Probably crying her eyes out. "Miranda?!" I call for her. "Where are you?" I hear crying, obviously her. I run in the direction and my eyes go wide in horror. She found their graves. And Rachel's sketchbook. I walk over and place my hands on her shoulders. She pulls free though. "I'm sorry hun, I should've told you. I'm sorry. I should've told you and I didn't." "They're gone. They're really gone." "Yeah baby girl, I'm so sorry." My phone rings but I ignore it and help her stand up. "I love you." She says. "I love you too." My phone rings again. Ugh. I answer the phone annoyed. "What?" "Jason, the baby's coming." Jess says! Shit! I drop the phone. "Baby girl, I know you're upset right now but we need to go. Mom's having the baby." Her eyes go wide. I get James and get us in my truck. "Let's floor it."

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